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                                                                                                BACHELOR OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT SCIENCE  2020/2021 ACADEMIC SESSION

      NO.          CODE & TITLE (NO. OF CREDITS)                                    SYNOPSIS                                 LEVEL OF REQUIRED PROFICIENCY

            GLT1011: Technical Writing Skills in English
            3 Credits
                                                             This course will introduce students to effective technical writing   CEFR B2+/ Low C1
       9.         Offered Only in Semester 2                skills. Using materials related to the workplace, students will be
                                                             taught in stages to write a variety of technical documents.
                  Prerequisite: Students must pass GLT1009                                                                   Pass GLT1009 with grade C
                   (Mastering English VI) with grade C

            GLT1012: Presentations Skills in English
            3 Credits                                        The course encompasses different aspects of communication   CEFR B2+/ Low C1
                  Offered Only in Semester 1 & 2            used in delivering effective oral presentations. Appropriate
      10.                                                    examples from a variety of situations are used as practice
                  Prerequisite: Students must pass GLT1009   materials for students to analyse, discuss and apply the        Pass GLT1009 with grade C
                   (Mastering English VI) with grade C       communication strategies taught.
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