Page 100 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
P. 100
24. Lau Sai Ming
Tajuk Tesis : Combination of Gravid Ovipositing Sticky Trap and NS1 Antigen Test: New Paradigm for
Dengue Vector Surveillance in Selangor Malaysia
25. Lee Wan Ling
Tajuk Tesis : Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Heartqol Questionnaire - Examining Two Translation
Methods and Establishing Equivalence
26. Liao Shujuan (China)
Tajuk Tesis : e Impact of Combined Music and Tai Chi erapy on Depressive Symptoms among
Community-Dwelling Older People in China
27. Ling Wei Chih
Tajuk Tesis : Modulation of Endothelial Function by Sodium Nitrite: erapeutic Implications for
28. Lim Swee Geok
Tajuk Tesis : Relationship Between Professional Self-Concept and Caring Behaviours of Malaysian Nurses
29. Lim Swee Im
Tajuk Tesis : Centella Asiatica Extract for Memory Enhancement and Neuroprotection Against
Dementia via an Animal Model
30. Mardiaty Iryani binti Abdullah
Tajuk Tesis : Molecular Alterations in Patients with Benign yroid Goitre and Papillary yroid Cancer:
Genomic and Proteomic Investigations
31. Maziah binti Mat Rosly
Tajuk Tesis : Health and Leisure Time Physical Activity Promotion rough Exergaming for Individuals
with Spinal Cord Injury
32. Nada Ab Mansour Hweissa (Libya)
Tajuk Tesis : Cervical Cancer Prevention in Libya - Public Awareness, Barriers to Screening and the
Attitudes of Health Care Professionals
33. Noor Mastura binti Mohd Mujar
Tajuk Tesis : Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer Amongst Women Attending Public
Hospitals in Malaysia: e Time Intervals and Associated Factors to Delay
34. Norashiqin binti Misni
Tajuk Tesis : Formulation of a Repellent Lotion from Essential Oils of Alpinia Galanga, Citrus Grandis
and Citrus Aurantifolia Against Mosquitoes Aedes Aegypti and Culex Quinquefasciatus
35. Nurhafiza binti Zainal
Tajuk Tesis : Autoimmunity in e Pathogenesis of Severe Dengue
36. Ong Swee Leong
Tajuk Tesis : Eectiveness of A Structured Nursing Intervention on Maternal Stress, Anxiety, Ability
and Quality of Life in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
37. Pouya Hassandarvish (Iran)
Tajuk Tesis : Mechanism of Baicalin and Baicalein Activity against Dengue Virus Replication
38. Prevathe a/p Poniah
Tajuk Tesis : Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Copy Number Variation and Protein Proles in Prostate