Page 98 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
P. 98

53.     Umar Muhammad Noor (Indonesia)
                     Tajuk Tesis : Aliran Kritik Hadith Semasa: Analisis Metode Kritik Abu Ishaq Al-Huwayni, Mahmud Sa`id
                     Mamduh dan Hamzah Al-Malyabari
             54.     Zainal Abidin bin Yahaya (Anugerah Aegrotat)
                     Tajuk Tesis : Kuarantin Menurut Perspektif Fiqh dan Sains: Aplikasi Terhadap Haiwan Al-Jallalah
             55.     Zainudin bin Hashim
                     Tajuk Tesis : Pendekatan Pembangunan Insan Menurut Hasan Al-Banna Menerusi Kitab Majmu’ah
                     Al-Rasail (M. 1949).
             56.     Zakiul Fuady Muhammad Daud (Indonesia)
                     Tajuk Tesis : Wasiat Wajibah: Kajian Terhadap Metode Penghakiman Kes-Kes di Daerah Jawa Timur,

             Fakulti Perubatan

             Faculty of Medicine

             1.      Abu Sadat Md. Sayem (Bangladesh)
                     Tajuk Tesis : e Actions of yroxine on the Uterus during Peri-Implantation and Implantation Periods
                     In Rats
             2.      Annaletchumy a/p Loganathan
                     Tajuk Tesis : e Development and Pilot Testing of a Fall Prevention Education Intervention for Older
                     Persons at High Risk of Falls in a Malaysian Primary Care Setting
             3.      Boshra Abdulrahman Rashid Al-Absi (Yemen)
                     Tajuk Tesis : Genetic Polymorphisms and Susceptibility To Acute Lymphoblastic Leukimia in Yemeni

             4.      Cheah Hoay Yan
                     Tajuk Tesis : Evaluation of A Near-Infrared Light Absorbing Poly-L-Glutamic Acid-Phthalocyanine
                     Conjugate in Photodynamic Anticancer erapy
             5.      Choy Ker Woon
                     Tajuk Tesis : Pharmacological Eects of Paeonol Against Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and
                     Inammation-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction
             6.      Emni Omar Daw Hussin (Libya)
                     Tajuk Tesis : Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Barriers and Facilitators on Quality of End of
                     Life Care in a Tertiary Hospital in Malaysia
             7.      Fong Ka Ling
                     Tajuk Tesis : Eects of High Fidelity Patient Simulators as Teaching Learning Strategies on Learning
                     Outcomes among Nursing Diploma Students in Malaysia

             8.      Ganesh a/l P. Vythilingam
                     Tajuk Tesis : Bioengineered Collagen Gra for Urethral Reconstruction in Animal Models
             9.      Goh Choon Hian
                     Tajuk Tesis : Measuring Variability in Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Older Malaysians

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