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Recognitions & Accreditations

             Royal College of Physicians      Royal Society of        Royal College of Surgeons
             and Surgeons of Glasgow,         Chemistry (RSC)           of Edinburgh, United
                 United Kingdom                                              Kingdom
                                             Master of Science in
               Master of Orthodontics          Instrumental             Master of Orthodontics
                                            Analytical Chemistry

              Royal Institute of British  Royal Institution of Chartered  Royal College of Surgeons in
                 Architects (RIBA),      Surveyors, United Kingdom    Ireland, Republic of Ireland
                 United Kingdom                                       1. Master of Clinical Dentistry
                                           1. Master of Real Estate
                                                                         (Child Dental Health)
            Master of Architecture (Part Il)  2. Master of Facilities &
                                          Maintenance Management      2. Master of Clinical Dentistry
                                                                     (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)

                                                                          Royal College of
               Association of MBAs           Board of Architects        Surgeons of England,
                                                 Malaysia                 United Kingdom

                Master of Business                                    1. Master of Clinical Dentistry
                  Administration            Master of Architecture      (Restorative Dentistry in
                                                                         Prosthetic Dentistry)
                                                                      2. Master of Clinical Dentistry
                                                                        (Restorative Dentistry in
                                   1. Master of Management              Conservative Dentistry)

                                   2. Master of Business Administration  3. Master of Clinical Dentistry
                                   3. Master of Marketing
                                                                      4. Master of Clinical Dentistry
              Association to Advance  4. Master of Accounting (Reporting  (Child Dental Health)
              Collegiate Schools of      and Management Accountability)
                Business (AACSB)                                      5. Master of Clinical Dentistry
                                   5. Doctor of Philosophy           (Oral and Maxillofacial surgery)
                                   6. Doctor of Management             6. Master of Orthodontics

      2024/2025                                                                   UM Postgraduate
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34