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Why should you be part

                       of                                                           ?

                                                       2      Multicultural

            Proud                                             Diversity
            History                                           In the effort to be a global
                                                              university that is impacting the
                                                              world, Universiti Malaya is
            Since its inception in 1905,                      always at the forefront in
            Universiti Malaya has received                    welcoming outst&ing talents &
            recognition & accolades in the                    individuals from different walks
            arena of academic, research &                     of life to be part of its success-
            social interests. Universiti                      es, & that said, we are currently
            Malaya will always be home to                     home to more than 8,600
            notable alumni, & we take pride                   international students from 88
            in the diversity of students                      countries to date.
            populations, races, religions, &
            nationalities in the quest for

                                                              We offer vast opportunities
                                                              through double major
                                                              programmes as well as
                                                              major-minor programmes as an
                                                              option for the students in the
                                                              effort to increase their
            All-inclusive                                     employment prospects in the
                                                              job market & in widening their
            Academic                                          chances of career choices.

            With more than 200 academic
            programmes, which comprises
            foundation, undergraduate, &                                                        5
            postgraduate programmes,                   Admirable Location &
            Universiti Malaya offers
            broad-based & wide-ranging                 Affordability
            opportunities to prospective
            students to enrol in its
            world-ranked academic                      Situated in the heart of Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia's capital city,
                                                       studying in Universiti Malaya is made easy with rewarding
            programmes. Our innovative                 experiences having to be in
            educational innitiatives include           close proximity to the main
            immersion of learning through              city. Kuala Lumpur is known
            industrial engagement &
            flexible programme delivery.               for its affordability for food,
                                                       transportation, accommodation
                                                       as well as tourist attractions,
                                                       is indeed a steal for many.

      2024/2025                                                                   UM Postgraduate
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