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             Collaborative                                     Diverse
             Programmes                                        Programmes

             Our innovative international                      Offerings
             dual programmes include the
             Double Bachelor's Degree, Dual                    As part of the effort in ensuring
             Master's Degree & Dual PhD                        its survival & sustainability in
             Programmes via reputable                          the digital world, Universiti
             partnerships with renowned                        Malaya is now opening doors of
             universities that are coming                      possibilities to its potential
             from France, German, Japan,                       students around the world to
             Iran, United Kingdom, Australia,                  partake in its academic
             Indonesia, Cambodia & many                        programmes through manifold
                                             7                 channels, namely Online &
                                                               Distance Learning mode, as
                                                               well as Micro-credentials mode,
                                                               which are up for grab!

            Experience                                 10          Premier

              Universiti Malaya is not what it                     Research
              used to be 100 years ago,
              dynamically improving its                            University
              curriculum in upholding the
              humanistic values that enrich                        The research ground is pillared
              the heart & soul of its students;                    by 4 focal research clusters
              we take pride in the initiatives                     which spread over 50 research
              such as Student Holistic                             centres in its vicinity as well as
              Empowerment (SHE)                                    within its renowned research
              programme, Internship                                institute, namely, the National
              Programmes, Fast-Track                               Higher Institution Centre of
              Programme & Inbound &                                Excellence (HiCoE), the
              Outbound Mobility                                    Universiti Malaya Centre of
              Programmes to enhance                                Excellence (UMCoE) & the
              students' learning experience.                       Academy of Science Research
                                                                   Centres which houses high-im-
                                                                   pact research & innovation for
                                                                   the country.

      6       World-Ranked University

              Being ranked impressively well in the past few years speaks volumes of the university st&ing as the first & top
              university in Malaysia. It has also contributed tremendously by putting Malaysia & Universiti Malaya on the map.
              We are also proud to share that according to the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) university rankings. we are
              currently ranked;
                                   • 60th in the World    • 11th in Asia  • 3rd in Southeast Asia

      2024/2025                                                                   UM Postgraduate
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