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Academic Programmes

                               Level of Postgraduate Studies:

                      Master’s Degree                         Doctoral Degree

                                      Mode of Programme:

          Coursework            Mixed-Mode                Research                Clinical

        Candidates are required   Candidates are required   Research is the principal   Candidates are required
        to acquire a specified   to complete a certain   requirement, and    to complete coursework
        number of coursework   amount of coursework    candidates are expected   credits hours and at the
        credits hours. Certain   credits hours and     to produce a dissertation   same time be involved
        coursework            concurrently produce a   or thesis. Candidates   with the clinical work
        programmes may        dissertation according   may be required to    that will be assigned
        require the submission   to the agreed topic by   attend some of the   from time to time
        of a research report.  the supervisors and     pre-requisite courses as   according to courses
                              candidate.               prescribed by the     taken.

                 Mode of Delivery:                              Mode of Study:

                               Open Distance
           Conventional                                   Full-Time            Part-Time
                               Learning (ODL)

          Candidates are required   ODL provides flexible   The duration required   Part-time study
          to attend all classes,   learning, overcoming   for the completion of a   opportunities, offering
          assessments and      traditional barriers with   programme will be   flexible options to
          examinations as outlined   digital technologies.   depending on the   balance education with
          for the whole duration of   Students manage their   course type and on the   other commitments. It
          the study programme,   own time, accessing   progress of the      offer flexible scheduling
          be it physically, virtually   materials and support   individual candidate.   and the same high-
          or in hybrid mode, which   online.                                quality education as our
          is reliant on the latest                                          full-time students.

      2024/2025                                                                   UM Postgraduate
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