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P. 44
â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Examine the contemporary issues in financial
administration in developing countries;
(2) Analyze the role of cost-benefit analysis in government
investment budgeting and in the political process;
(3) Relate issues relating to fiscal federalism, government
finance and capacity in a multi-level system of
government; and
(4) Assess the cost and benefit of government investment
project in the interest of the society.
Synopsis of Course This course is concerned with public goods and public
Contents choice associated with efficiency, markets, and
governments. It will review cost-benefit analysis of
government investment projects and discuss alternative
means of financing government expenditures and taxation.
It also deals with fiscal issues of federal and local
governments and how bureaucrats influence political
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 70%
Final Examination: 30%
Main Reference (1) Mikesell, John L. (2003), Fiscal Administration-
Analysis and Application for the Public Sector, 6 ed.,
Thomson Learning.
(2) Premchand, (1983), Government Budgeting and
Expenditure Contorls: Theory and Practice, IMF.
(3) Weiss, J., (1995), Economy Policy in Developing
Countries: The Reform Agenda, Prentice Hall.
(4) Waynes, N., (1997), The Economic of Developing
Countries, Prentice Hall.
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Prepare a good research proposal;
(2) Conduct quantitative and/or qualitative research;
(3) Develop skills in using SPSS for data processing; and
(4) Prepare a short research report.
Synopsis of Course The course equips students with the required knowledge
Contents and skills to conduct research focussing on the public
sector. Attention is given to areas such as the research
process, variables, design, conceptualisation,
operationalisation and measurement, reliability and validity,
methods of collecting data, sampling, ethics and statistical
The course guides students to prepare a research proposal
and acquire statistical skills, such as Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences (SPSS) and EXCEL.