Page 48 - index
P. 48
◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
Synopsis of Course This course will explore and analyze theories, approaches,
Contents and concepts of quality (goods and services), probe quality
management practices, examine quality planning, control
and measurement tools. It will also identify and evaluate
quality management issues and problems. The emphasis
will be on service quality and management.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%
Main Reference (1) Clement, Richard Barret, (1993). Quality Manager’s
Complete Guide to ISO 9000. Englewood Clift, New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
(2) Hutchhins, David, (1985), Quality Circles Handbook,
London; Pitman.
(3) Sud and Nima Ingle, (1983), Quality Circles in the
Service Industries, Englewood Clift, New Jersey:
(4) Nemoto, Masao, (1987), Total Quality Control for
Management, Englewood Clift, New Jersey: Prentice
(5) Oakland, john S. (1994) Total Quality Management, 2
ed. Oxford:Butterworth.
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Assess the Malaysian Political system;
(2) Examine issues concerning development of nations;
(3) Analyze events and topics on contemporary Malaysian
domestic politics and political economy.
Synopsis of Course The first part of the course provides an overview of
Contents Malaysian political system and process. It also discusses
major political developments which have taken place over
the past years until present. Selected issues and topics
such as political parties, general elections, the middle
class, democracy and foreign policy will be discussed in the
second part of the course.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%