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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
(3) To analyze the process of social policy making,
implementation and evaluation in relation to social and
development problem.
(4) Awareness on the importance of research approach in
evaluating the nation’s social and development
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 60%
Final Examination: 40%
Main Reference (1) Spicker, P (1995). Social Policy: Themes and
Approaches: Harlow, England: Prentice Hall
(2) Dobelstein, A.W. (2003). Social Welfare: Policy and
Analysis. Singapore: Thomson Learning.
(3) Titmuss, R. M. (1974). Social Policy: An Introduction.
London: Geoge Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Apply the concept of planning and community
(2) Analyse the factors shaping the environment, the
institutional context as well as the role and scope of
planning in respect to the management of urban growth
and change; and
(3) Assess the values and ethics of professional practice,
recognising the needs of different groups and the
importance of equal opportunities in the decision
making process.
Synopsis of Course This course is designed to meet the needs of students who
Contents wish to develop a broad based understanding of planning
administration and community development. Firstly, it will
focus on the nature and purpose of planning, the role of
different stakeholders in the planning process and the
governance context within which different types of planning
operate. It will then explore issues facing urban managers
in delivering sustainable development including housing,
economic, transport, environmental and natural resource
concerns. Finally, it will evaluate various policy initiatives
which have land use, community development and
sustainability implications.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%
Main Reference (1) Curwell, S. R. 2005, Sustainable urban development,
Routledge, London.
(2) Cuthbert, Alexander R. 2006. The form of cities:
political economy and urban design, Blackwell Pub.,
Malden, MA.
(3) Fusco Girard, Luigi 2003. The human sustainable city:
challenges and perspectives from the habitat agenda,
Ashgate Publishing, London.