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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►

Synopsis of Course The course will cover main development theories – Neo-
Contents Classical, New Right and New Left Perspectives as well as
political theories such as pluralism, corporation and public

The course will also discuss the theory and practice of New
Public Administration, thematic issues including
Development, Governance, Public Sector Management,
and International Relations.

Research Issues on Good Governance and New Reform
Agendas, Challenges of Globalization, Malaysian Politics,
Sustainable Economic Development and Technology
Change will be discussed throughout the semester to
generate possible research topics for students’ dissertation.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 60%
Final Examination: 40%
Main Reference (1) Bardhan Pranab, The Role of Governance in
Economics Development: A Political Economy
Approach, Paris: OECD Publication, 1997.
(2) Gonzales III Joaquin, Lauder Kathleen & Melles,
Opting for Partnership: Governance Innovation in
Southeast Asia, Otario: Institute of Governance, 2000.
(3) Hung Sung-Joo, Changing Values in Asia: Their Impact
on Governance and Development, Singapore; ISEAS,
(4) Johnson William C., Public Administration Policy;
Politics & Practice, New Jersey; Prentice Hall, 1989.
(5) Chilcote, Ronald H., Theories of Comparative Politics,
Boulder: Westview Press, 1994.
(6) Toye, John, Dilemmas of Development, Oxford;
Blackwell, 1993.
(7) Maidment, Richard, David Goldbalt and Jeremy
MMitchell (eds), Governance in the Asia-Pacific,
London Routledge, 1998.
(8) Gills, N.K., Ed. (2000). Globalization and the Politics of
Resistance. London: Macmillan, and New York; St.

Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:

(1) Formulate a research question;
(2) Integrate information from the relevant literature;
(3) Design a research framework;
(4) Analyze the information/ data collected using statistical
techniques and appropriate software;
(5) Assess the significant and implication of research
(6) Adopt ethical practices in the conduct of research; and
(7) Write a research report.

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