Page 70 - PROSPECTUS FEA IT 17-18
P. 70
◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
Assessment Continuous Assessment : 60%
Final Examination : 40%
Main Reference (1) Todaro and Smith (2010). Economic Development (12
ed.), Essex: Pearson, Addison Wesley.
(2) Jomo KS and Ben Fine (2006). The New
Development Economics After the Washington
Consensus, London: Zed Books.
(3) Dowling and Valenzuela (2004). Economic
Development in Asia, Singapore: Thomson Learning.
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to:
(1) identify concepts of globalization and development
(2) analyse development issues and problems, particularly
in the context of globalization
(3) propose policies for fostering development and meeting
the challenges of globalization.
Synopsis of Course This course will survey, examine and analyze globalization
Contents and development. We will explore key dimensions of
globalization – trade, finance, labour, and power – while
constructing a systematic framework for understanding the
changes taking place and their implications, especially for
the improvement of socioeconomic conditions of middle-
and low-income countries. We critically discuss the costs
and benefits, advantages and drawbacks, potentials and
pitfalls, opportunities and constraints, of trying to develop
and compete in a globalizing world. Our approach will be
inter-disciplinary and oriented to real world situations, taking
into account historical contexts and shifting balances of
power. This course will also examine the scope and
limitations of development policy when faced with
globalizing forces, and consider alternatives to the dominant
mode of globalization.
Assessment Continuous Assessment : 60%
Final Examination : 40%
Main Reference (1) UNCTAD (2016) Development and Globalization: Facts
and Figures, Geneva: United Nations Conference for
Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
(2) Reinert, E. (2008) How the Rich Countries Got Rich …
and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor, London: Anthem
(3) Oyeyinka O.B and Rasiah, R. (2010) Uneven paths to
Development, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
(4) Page, J. and Tarp, F. (eds) (2017) The Practice of
Industrial Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(5) Rasiah, R. and Smidt J.D. (eds) (2009) The New
Political Economy of Southeast Asia, Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar.
(6) Krugman, Paul (2009) The Return of Depression
Economics and the Crisis of 2008, New York: W.W.
Norton and Company.
(7) Mathews, John (2014) Greening of Capitalism: How
Asia is Driving the New Great Transformation, Stanford:
Stanford University Press.