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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►

                                                   Wheatsheath Publisher, Hertfordshire, U.K.
                                                (7) Hossay,  Patrick  (2006),  Unsustainable:  A  Primer  for
                                                   Global  Environmental  and  Social  Justice,  Zed  Books,

                                 EQD 7007 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT
                 Learning Outcomes             At the end of this course, students are able to:

                                               (1) Analyse the relationship between entrepreneurship and
                                                   economic development
                                               (2) Interpret  key  entrepreneurial  variables  that  promote
                                                   economic growth
                                               (3) Analyse  cash  flow  forecasting,  budgeting,  break-even
                                                   analysis, and cost, volume & profit (CVP);
                                               (4) Evaluate  the  types  and  importance  of  government
                                                   support policy for entrepreneurial development.

                 Synopsis of Course            This course focuses on the role of entrepreneurship as an
                 Contents                      agent  of  economic  development.  The  topics  include
                                               economics  of  entrepreneurship,  entrepreneurial  creativity
                                               and     innovation,    entrepreneurial   models,     social
                                               entrepreneurship,  women  entrepreneurs,  and  public  policy
                                               support  for  entrepreneurial  development.  The  course  also
                                               emphasises  on  various  financial  tools  an  entrepreneur
                                               needs  in  real  life  including  business  plan,  financial
                                               management tools such as cash flow forecasting, financing
                                               a new venture, and budgeting.

                 Assessment                    Continuous Assessment  : 70%
                                               Final Examination            : 30%

                 Main Reference                (1) Naudé,  Wim    (Editor)    (2011),  Entrepreneurship  and
                                                   Economic Development, Palgrave Macmillan.
                                               (2) Parker,  Simon  C.  (2009),  The  Economics  of
                                                   Entrepreneurship, Cambridge University Press.
                                               (3) Szirmai,  Adam,  Naude,  Wim,  Goedhuys,  Micheline
                                                   (2011),  Entrepreneurship,  Innovation,  and  Economic
                                                   Development, Oxford University Press.
                                               (4) Dana,    Leo-Paul     (2014),    Asian    Models     of
                                                   Entrepreneurship  -  From  the  Indian  Union  and  the
                                                   Kingdom  of  Nepal  to  the  Japanese  Archipelago:
                                                   Context,  Policy  and  Practice  (Second  Edition)  (Asia-
                                                   Pacific Business, Volume 9), World Scientific Publishing
                                               (5) Keohane,     Georgia    Levenson      (2013),    Social
                                                   Entrepreneurship  for  the  21st  Century:  Innovation
                                                   Across  the  Nonprofit,  Private,  and  Public  Sectors,
                                               (6) Guillén,   Mauro    F.    (Editor)   (2013),   Women
                                                   Entrepreneurs:   Inspiring   Stories   from   Emerging
                                                   Economies and Developing Countries, Routledge.
                                               (7) Williams,  Sara,  (2015),  The  Financial  Times  Guide  to
                                                   Business Start Up 2015, FT Publishing, Pearson.
                                               (8) Blackwell, Edward, (2011), How to Prepare a Business

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