Page 130 - GB_Nursing_2025
P. 130
MID 3019: Community Project
2 credits
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course students are able to:
1. Write a proposal on the program community service based on communities need. (P2)
2. Execute a community service planning by applying the values according to the
plan. (A3)
3. Demonstrate leadership in executing the community service. (A4)
Course Synopsis:
This course exposed students to community service and theri role as volunteers. Students need
to identified the needs of the community, plan and implement health service activities to suit
the current situation. This course also instills the values of the student’s personality.
Reference Texts:
Lina D. Dostilio (2017). The Community Engagement Professional in Higher Education: A
Competency Model for an Emerging Field, campus Compact.
Julia Preece, (2017). University Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning: The porous
University, Springer. Benneworth, paul. Editor (2013). University Engagement with Socially
Communities, Dordrecht: Springher Netherlands: Imprint: Spirnger.
Holy, M. Johnson, (2013). Deepening Community Engagement in Higher Education: Forging New
pathways, Springer.
Course Assessment:
Course will be assessed
Continuous Assessment:
Community Project Proposal: 20%- Week 3
Project Writing and Presentation: 40%- Week 13 and 14
Stakeholder Evaluation: 20% -Week 14
Reflective Focus Group: 20% - Week 12
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