Page 133 - Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
P. 133

MIC3013: Research Skills for Biomedical Science (Core: 3 Credit Hours)

               Learning Outcomes

               1.  Write a comprehensive manuscript with appropriate referencing.
               2.  Use basic biostatistics techniques to generate results.
               3.  Present their research based on a suggested format.

               Course Synopsis

               The student will be introduced to the world of biomedical science research and the various tools
               available to analyse and present the data obtained in a systematic and professional manner. The
               student will learn the use of reference, document, and presentation software in biomedical science

               Reference Texts

               1.  Holmes,  D.,  Peter,  Moody  P.  &  Dine  D.  (2016).  Research  Methods  for  the  Biosciences.  (3
                   edition). Oxford Press.
               2.  Kumar, R. (2019). Research Methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners.
                   (5  edition). SAGE Publications.

               Course Coordinator

               Associate Professor Dr. Anwar Norazit



               Course Assessment

               Course will be assessed by Continuous Assessment (100%)

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