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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

                                                                and  development  of  the  reproductive  organs,  their
               Medium of Instruction:                           diversity and adaptations for life on earth are discussed.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Soft Skills:                                     Continuous Assessment :    50 %
               CS3, CT2, TS2                                    Final Examination :     50 %

               Main References:                                 Medium of Instruction:
               1.   Robert  Edward  Lee  (2008)  Phycology  4   Edition.   English
                   Cambridge University Press
               2.   Robert  G.  Wetzel  (2001)  Limnology,  Third  Edition:   Soft Skills:
                   Lake and River Ecosystems                    CS3, CT2, TS1
               3.   Christiaan  Hoek  (1995)  Algae  :  An  Introduction  to
                   Phycology. Cambridge University Press        Main References:
                                                                1.   MacAdam,  J.  W.  (2009).  Structure  and  function  of
                                                                    plants.  1   Edition.  Wiley-Blackwell.  ISBN-13:978-0-
               SIE 2007   POPULATION AND COMMUNITY ECOLOGY          8138-2718-6/2009
                                                                2.   Beck, C. B. (2010). An introduction to plant structure
               Introduction  to  population  growth  and  dynamics  of   and  development.  2   Edition.  Cambridge  University
               age‐structured  populations,  population  control,  theory  of   Press. ISBN: 9780521518055
               competition,  herbivory,  predation,  community,  trophic   3.   Bowes,  B.  G.  &  Mauseth,  J.  D.  (2009).  Plant
               structure   and   control,   community   diversity,   and   structure:  A  colour  guide.  2   Edition.  Manson
               maintenance of diversity. Identify the  processes affecting   Publishing. ISBN-13: 9780763763862
               abundance of organisms and how population abundance   4.   Hodson,  M.J.  &  Bryant,  J.A.  (2012).  Functional
               changes  through  time,  demographic  characteristics  of  a   Biology of Plants. Wiley-Blackwell.
               population and the techniques used for quantifying these   5.   Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Moeller, I.M., Murphy, A. (2014).
               characteristics. The impact of abiotic factors on the nature   Plant  Physiology  and  Development.  6   Edition.
               of  population  change  at  small  and  large  scale  will  be   Sinauer Associates, Inc.

               Assessment Methods:                              SIE 2009   ANIMAL STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND
               Continuous Assessment:    60%                             PHYSIOLOGY
               Final Examination:      40%
                                                                This  involves  the  animal  study  of  the  anatomy  and
               Medium of Instruction:                           physiology  of  a  wide  range  of  species  including  humans
               English                                          that  enable  them  to  meet  their  need  to  survive  and
                                                                reproduce. To do this, animals acquire, process and use
               Soft Skills:                                     energy  to  cope  with  internal  and  external  challenges
               CS4, CT3, TS3                                    through  a  variety  of  physiological,  morphological  and
                                                                behavioural adaptations. An integrated approach is taken
               Main References:                                 to combine microanatomy, gross anatomy and physiology
               1.  Rockwood,  L.L.  (2015).  Introduction  to  Population   in learning of the body systems. Concepts and theories in
                  Ecology. 2  Ed. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-118-  lectures  are  expanded  and  developed  in  interactive
                  94757-9.                                      laboratories and explorative practicals.
               2.  Morin, P.J. (2011). Community Ecology. 2  Ed. Wiley-
                  Blackwell.                                    Assessment Methods:
               3.  Vandermeer  J.H  &  Goldberg,  D.  E  2013.  Population   Continuous Assessment:    50%
                  Ecology:  First  Principles.  Princeton  University.  ISBN   Final Examination:      50%
               4.  Mittelbach,  G.G.2012.Community  Ecology.  ISBN   Medium of Instruction:
                  9781405124119                                 English
               5.  Garderner  M.  2014.  Community  Ecology:  Analytical
                  Methods Using R and Excel. Pelagic Publishing.   Soft Skills:
                                                                CS4, CT3, TS3

               SIE 2008   PLANT STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND         Main References:
                         PHYSIOLOGY                             1.   Randall, D, W. Burggren & K. French. 2014. Eckert
                                                                    Animal Physiology. W.H. Freeman.
               This course first introduces the three plant tissue systems   2.   Moyes, CD& PM. Schulte. 2013. Principles of Animal
               and  their  cellular  components  followed  by  discussion  on   Physiology. Pearson.
               the  structural  diversity  of  the  vegetative  organs  (root,   3.   Hill, RW, GA. Gordon & M. Anderson. 2012. Animal
               stem, leaf and meristem). This is followed by the following   Physiology.
               topics: leaf morphogenesis and secondary growth in stem
               and root; morphological and anatomical adaptations in the
               organs  associated  with  specific  functions  and  habitat;   SIE 2010   URBAN ZOOLOGY
               mechanisms in water absorption, water transport, phloem
               translocation, photosynthesis in C3, C4 and CAM plants,   Ecosystems:  Natural  and man-made,  their main  features
               the role of stomata in transpiration. Finally, the formation   and differences. The urban ecosystem: a classification of
                                                                the  habitats.  Natural  history  of  urban  area.  The  animal

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