Page 197 - handbook 20152016
P. 197
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
SIH 3014 INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Industrial Ecology is both industrial and ecological. It is Final Examination: 50%
industrial in that it focuses on product design and
manufacturing processes. Industrial is therefore viewed as Medium of Instruction:
the primary agent for environmental management and English
innovation, as it possesses the technological expertise,
management capability and financial and other resources Soft Skills:
necessary for the successful execution of environmentally CT4, EM2
informed design of products and processes. Students will
be exposed with site visit to selected industrial zones for Main References:
better understanding. 1. Hazel Kemshall and Jack Pritchard (1997) Good
Practice in Risk
Assessment Methods: Assasement and management.
Continuous Assessment: 50% 2. Alghalith (2007). New Economic of Risk and
Final Examination: 50% Uncertainty: Theory and Uncertainty.
Medium of Instruction:
Soft Skills:
CS3, CT3, TS2, EM 2 The technology and management of hazardous waste has
developed rapidly and dynamically. Technology transfers
Main References: have made the compliance of the existing regulations and
1. William McDonough (Author), Michael environmental policy achievable. However it is very crucial
Braungart (Author), Bill Clinton (Foreword). The in managing the hazardous waste, one possesses an
Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability--Designing for overview of the field. It includes identification, handling,
Abundance 2013. treatment and disposal of hazardous waste including e-
waste. This course is intended to provide sufficient
2. Margaret Robertson (2014). Sustainability Principles exposure to the varied and complex problems of
and Practice hazardous waste, as well as, discussing the legislation,
3. 3. Journal of Industrial Ecology. Yale university. regulation, and local and foreign impacts pertaining to its management. Case studies will be provided to assist
student to relate to actual environmental situation globally
and locally, and current issues of the management of
SIH 3015 BIOCLIMATIC CONCEPT AND hazardous waste.
Assessment Methods:
Part I - The development of energy sector in Malaysia. Continuous Assessment: 40%
Focusing on the current local scenarios including the Final Examination: 60%
policies, programmes & international involvements.
Part II - Energy in built environment Medium of Instruction:
Highlight the building comfort, strategies for low energy English
building - ‘bioclimatic concepts’ and the Soft Skills:
assessment/evaluation approaches. CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS2
Assessment Methods: Main References:
Continuous Assessment: 40% 1. International Conference on Hazardous Waste
Final Examination: 60% Management (2008) Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Hazardous Waste
Medium of Instruction: Management (1-3 October 2008) Crete, Greece.
English 2. Muhamad Rosli Sulaiman. (2006) Hazardous waste
management: with reference to the Enviromental
Soft Skills: Quality Act 1974. Shah Alam, Selangor: University
CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS2 Publication Centre (UPENA), 2006.
3. Agamuthu, P. (2001). “Solid Waste: Principles and
Main References: Management”. University of Malaya.
1. Lechner, N. 2014. Heating, cooling, lighting:
Sustainable design methods for architects. New
2. Thuman, A., Niehus, T., Younger, W.J. 2013.
Handbook of energy audits. US: The Fairmont Environmental microbiology is the study of microbial
Press. communities in the natural environments such as soil,
3. Sim Van der Ryn, Cowan, S. 2013. Ecological water and air, and in man-made environments such as
design. Washington: Island Press. bioreactors. The known diversity of microorganisms
covered less than 1% of the microbial species on earth.
Decomposing microbes have a special role in
SIH 3016 ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT biogeochemical cycles which recycle the nutrients back
into the ecosystem. Bacteria have symbiotic relationship
Risk assessment is a tool to make decision in evaluating which is of great importance to human, animals and
risk towards health and safety in ecosystem and living plants, making unavailable nutrients accessible for growth.
environment. Various approach will be introduced in this Their ability to survive in some of the most extreme
includes calculation method. environments on the planet made this amazing organism
suitable for various applications particularly in amending
environmental pollutions. In-situ applications of