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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

               environmental  measures  and  also  land  use  for  habitats   Final Examination:      60%
               and biodiversity.
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Assessment Methods:                              English
               Continuous Assessment:    40%
               Final Examination:      60%                      Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2, LL2
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          MainReferences:
                                                                1.   John Brady (Editor), Alison Ebbage (Editor), Ruth
               Soft Skills:                                         Lunn (Editor)  2011. Environmental Management in
               CS5, TS3,  EM2                                       Organizations: The IEMA Handbook Hardcover.
                                                                2.   Adrian Belcham. 2014. Manual of Environmental
               Main References:                                     Management Hardcover.
                1.  Philip  J.  Cafaro,  P.J.  and  Primack,  R.B.   3.   Walter Klöpffer (Author), Birgit Grahl (Author). 2014.
                   (2013) Environmental Ethics. Encyclopedia of     Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Hardcover – 2 Apr
                   Biodiversity (Second Edition) pp 267-277.        2014.
                2.  de  Groot,  M.    (2012)  Exploring  the
                   relationship  between  public  environmental
                   ethics  and  river  flood  policies  in  Western   SIH 3007    INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT
                   Europe.   Journal   of   Environmental
                   Management 93(1):1-9.                        Waste management and waste generation. Collection and
                3.  Benson,   D.   and   Jordan,   A.   (2015)   transportation  of  waste.  Recycling  and  waste  reduction.
                   Environmental   Policy:   Protection   and   Resource  conservation.  Wastewater  treatment.  Solid
                   Regulation.  International  Encyclopedia  of  the   waste  treatment  technologies.  Energy  recovery.  Physical
                   Social  &  Behavioral  Sciences  (Second     treatment. Hazardous waste. Industrial waste.
                   Edition) pp 778-783
                                                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:    40%
               SIH 3005    ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT        Final Examination:      60%

               Introduction  to  EIA:  EIA  Order  (1987)  and  prescribed
               activities.  The  roles  of  EIA  in  project  planning;  EIA   Medium of Instruction:
               procedures. Skoping. Environmental analysis. Introduction
               to environmental risk assessment (ERA)           Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT4, TS2, LS2
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:    50%                      Main References:
               Final Examination:      50%                       1.   Agamuthu, P & Masaru Tanaka. 2014. Municipal
                                                                    Solid Waste Management in Asia and the Pacific
               Medium of Instruction:                               Islands: Challenges and Strategic Solutions.
                                                                 2.   Springer Singapore.
                                                                    Agamuthu, P. Solid Waste: Principles and
               Soft Skills:                                         Management. University of Malaya Press (2001).
               CS3 , CT3, TS2, KK1, EM2, LS2                     3.   Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H. and Vigil, S. (1993).
               Main References:                                     Integrated Solid Waste Management. Engineering
                1.   Eccleston CH. 2011. Environmental impact
                    assessment : a guide to best professional practices.       Principles and Management Issues.
                    CRC Press
                2.   Eccleston CH. and Doub JP 2012. Preparing NEPA   SIH 3008    SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
                    Environmental Assessments: A User’s Guide to Best
                    Professional Practices. CRC Press
                3.   Morgan RK 2012. Environmental impact       Focusing  on  the  basic  principles  and  strategies  towards
                                                                sustainable  development  by  referring  to  the  established
                    assessment: the state of the art. Impact Assessment   framework.
                    and Project Appraisal 30(1): 5–14
                                                                Assessment Methods:

               SIH 3006   ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT              Continuous Assessment:    40%
                         SYSTEMS                                Final Examination:      60%

                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Students  shall  be  acquainted  with  EMS  in  general,   English
               discussing  and  tracking  its  history.  Discussion  on  ISO
               14001 shall be conducted in detail whereby each of the 5     Soft Skills:
               principals  shall  be  deliberated.  This  is  to  ensure  that   CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2
               students  are  familiar  with  the  Standards  and  able  to
               implement  it  upon  graduation.  The  rest  of  course  shall   Main References:
               examine  the  remainder  of  the  ISO  14000  Series  without
               going into details but suffice to equip the students with the   1.   Elliott, J.A. (2013). An introduction to sustainable
               relevant knowledge on each of the subject. The series are:    development. 4  Edition. New York: Routledge.
               Environmental   Performance   Evaluation   (EPE),   2.   Rogers, P.P., Jalal, K.F., Boyd, J.A. (2012). An
               Environmental  Auditing  (EA),  Evaluation  on  ISO  14001   Introduction to Sustainable Development. UK:
               series will be conducted on given cases.             Earthscan.
                                                                 3.   Egelston, A.E.  (2013). Sustainable  development: A
               Assessment Methods:                                  history. Netherlands: Springer.
               Continuous Assessment:    40%

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