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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
plant or via modification in the catalytic cracking without Assessment Methods:
catalyst or enzymatic. Oleochemical substances used as Continuous assessment: 30%
raw materials in the food and non-food industries after Final examination: 70%
making certain additions and alterations to convert it to other
oleochemical compounds for multipurpose application. Medium of instruction:
Exploration of the use of the compound in the oleochemical English
manufacturing sector (20%) such as advanced materials,
construction, machinery, printing, cleaning, pharmaceutical, Soft skills:
personal care and grooming has helped the development of CT1 – 3
oil and fat, especially in the oil palm industry.
Assessment Methods: 1. B.W. Wenclawiak, M. Koch & E. Hadjicostas. Quality
Continuous assessment: 30% Assurance in Analytical Chemistry, 2nd ed., Springer:
Final examination: 70% Germany, 2010
2. D. B. Hibbert, Quality Assurance for Analytical Chemistry
Medium of instruction: Laboratory, Oxford University Press: New York, 2007
English 3. W. Funk, V. Dammann & G. Donnevert, Quality
Assurance in Analytical Chemistry, Wiley-VCH: Germany,
Soft skills: 2007USA,1998Challenges in the 21st Century, V. V. S.
CT1 – 3 Mani, A. D. Shitole, D. N. Bhowmick, Science Publishers,
1. Oleochemical Manufacture and Applications, F. D. SID3018 INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUES IN CHEMISTRY
Gunstone, Richard John Hamilton, CRC Press, 2001
2. Oleochemical, Lambert M Surhone, Mariam T Tennoe, General introduction to current characterization techniques
Susan F Henssonow, Betascript Publishing, 2011 and detailed discussion in any three of the instrumental
3. The Basics of Industrial Oleochemistry: A Comprehensive techniques listed below:
Survey of Selected Technologies Based on Natural Oils
and Fats, G. Dieckelmann, H. J. Heinz Micelle 1. X-ray diffractometry
Press,1988 2. Thermal analysis
4. Fats, Oleochemicals and Surfactants: Challenges in the 3. Raman spectroscopy
21st Century 4. Radiochemical technique
5. Challenges in the 21st Century, V. V. S. Mani, A. D. 5. Scanning electron microscopy
Shitole, D. N. Bhowmick, Science Publishers, 1997 6. Multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
7. Mass spectroscopy
SID3016 APPLIED CHEMOMETRICS Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment: 30%
This course introduces chemometrics principles and tools, Final examination: 70%
statistical concepts and significance tests, data
preprocessing, pattern recognition, multivariate calibration Medium of instruction:
and prediction, design of experiments. English
Assessment Methods: Soft skills:
Practical: 30% CT1 – 3
Continuous assessment: 20%
Final examination: 50% References:
1. Russel S. Drago, Physical Methods for Chemists, 2
Medium of instruction: Edition, Saunders College Publishing, 1992
English 2. J.P. Glusker, M. Lewis and M. Rossi, Crystal Structure
Analysis for Chemists and Biologists, VCH Publishers
Soft skills: New York. 1994
CT1 – 3 3. E.A.V. Ebsworth, D.W.H. Rankin and S. Cradock,
Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry, 2 Edition,
References: Balckwell, 1991
1. J.N. Miller and J.C. Miller. Statistics and chemometrics for
analytical Chemistry, 6th ed., Pearson: UK, 2010
2. R.G. Brereton. Applied chemometrics for scientists, John SID3019 SPECIAL TOPICS IN APPLIED CHEMISTRY
Wiley & Sons: Chichester, 2007
3. K.R. Beebe, R.J. Pell and M.B. Seasholtz. Chemometrics: Introduction to recent research areas or topics with
a practical guide. John Wiley & Sons: significant values and/or apparent impact to the society,
USA,1998Challenges in the 21st Century, V. V. S. Mani, industry, environment etc.
A. D. Shitole, D. N. Bhowmick, Science Publishers, 1997
In-depth discussion on selected topics; covering aspects on
chemical syntheses, chemical/physical modifications,
characterisation, analytical methods, structure and
SID3017 QUALITY ASSUARANCE IN CHEMISTRY properties of materials, etc.
Introduction to quality assurance principles, tools and The types of chemical reaction, characterisation, and
measures, the principles of valid analytical measurement, analytical methods to be introduced in the course are based
ISO17025 and accreditation, uncertainty and traceability, on the selected special topics.
method validation, interlaboratory study and proficiency
testing. Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment: 30%
Final examination: 70%