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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

               Soft skills:                                    References:
               CT1 – 3                                         1. Francis  A.  Carey  and  Richard  J.  Sundberg,  Advanced
                                                                 Organic Chemistry, Part B: Reactions and Synthesis, 4 .
               References:                                       Ed., Plenum Press, New York & London, 2002.
               6. C.  M.  A.  Brett  and  A.  M.  O.  Brett,  Electrochemistry   2. E.L.  Eliel,  S.H.  Wilen,  L.M.  Mander,  Stereochemistry  of
                 Principles,  Methods  and  Applications,  Oxford  Uni.  Press   Organic  Compounds,  John  Wiley  &  Sons  Canada,  Ltd.,
                 Inc., 1993.                                     1994.
               7. P.  T.  Kissinger  and  W.  R.  Heinemmen,  Laboratory   3. T.H.  Lowry,  K.S.  Richardson,  Mechanism  and  Theory  in
                 Techniques in Electroanalytical Chemistry, Marcel Dekker   Organic   Chemistry,   3    Ed.,   Benjamin-Cummings
                 Inc., 1984.                                     Publishing Company, 1987.
               8. D.  Pletcher  and  F.C.  Walsh,  Industrial  Electrochemistry,   4. J.M.  Harris  and  C.C. Wamser,  Fundamentals  of  Organic
                 Blackie Academic and Professional, 1993.        Reaction Mechanisms, Wiley & Sons, 1976.
               9. D. B. Hibbert, Introduction to Electrochemistry, MacMillan
                 Press Ltd., 1993.
               10.         K.  B.  Oldham,  J.  C.  Myland,  A.  M.  Bond,   SID3003  ADVANCED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY
                 Electrochemical  Science  and  Technology:  Fundamentals
                 and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2011.   Molecular Quantum Mechanics
                                                               Approximate  methods:    variational  method  and  time
                                                               independent  Perturbation  theory;    Electronic  structure  of
                                                               molecules:  Born-Oppenheimer  approximation,  molecular
               SID3002  ADVANCED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY             orbital theory, valence-bond theory, Huckel molecular orbital
                                                               theory,  electron  configuration,  Slater  determinant,  angular
               Brief  introduction  to  organic  synthesis:  disconnections  and   momentum coupling, molecule terms, spin-orbit  and other
               retrosynthetic analysis.                        interactions,  symmetry,  molecule  spectra  and  selection
                                                               rules;  Hartree-Fock  self-consistent-field  method,  other  ab
               Use  of  compounds  incorporating  main  group  elements  (B,   initio methods and hybrid systems.
               S, Si, P, mainly; and, Sn, Se, Al) in organic functional group
               transformations;                                Molecular Approach to Thermodynamics
               Use of transition metals in C-C bond formation (e.g., Heck,   The  fundamentals  of  statistical  mechanics  from  the
               Suzuki,  Stille,  Negishi,  Sonogashira,  Kumada,  McMurry,   definitions  of  molecular  interactions  giving  a  set  of  energy
               etc.); Alkene metathesis.                       levels  for  N-molecule  systems.    Statistical  treatment  to
                                                               obtain  a  distribution  of  the  most  probable  energy
               Stereochemistry: Introduction to asymmetric synthesis, axial   configuration  or        Boltzmann  distribution.    Introduction  to
               chirality, importance of enantiopure compounds, chiral pool;   partition function of molecules containing all the information
               selected  examples  of  asymmetric  synthesis  including   on  N-molecule  systems.    Ensemble  concept,  incorporated
               hydroboration,   hydride   reduction,   hydrogenation,   partition  function  and  its  relation  to  thermodynamic
               epoxidation, dihydroxylation, and aminohydroxylation, use of   properties.  Intermolecular  forces  for  various  systems
               chiral  auxiliaries  in  enolate  alkylation,  crossed-aldol   including liquid and soft matters. Simple applications of this
               additions, and Diels-Alder cycloaddition, etc.    method in various chemical problems.

               Selected  total  syntheses  of  biologically-active  natural
               products  of  contemporary  significance  (e.g.,  taxoids;   Application
               macrolides,  e.g.,  epothilones;  Catharanthus  bisindoles;     Chemical  Kinetics  and  the  Dynamics  of  Reactions
               prostanoids; steroids; etc.).                     Diffusion controlled reactions.  Activated complex theory
                                                                 and  reactions  in  solutions.  The  dynamics  of  molecular
               Reactive  intermediates  in  organic  chemistry  including   collisions. The kinetics of fast reactions. Thermodynamics
               carbocations, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, and radical-  and  kinetics  of  adsorption.  Structure,  Stability  and
               ions. Chemistry of free radicals: reactions and mechanisms   reactivity  in  different  state  of  matter.  The  properties  of
               of   free   radicals   including   abstraction,   addition,   nonequilibrium.
               rearrangement,  cyclization  and  fragmentation;  applications
               of  radical  reactions  in  organic  synthesis;  reactions  of     Photochemistry
               carbenes,  carbenoids,  nitrenes,  and  ion-radicals,  and   Kinetics  of  photophysical  and  photochemical  processes.
               applications  in  synthesis.  Formation,  stability,  and   Timescales  of  photophysical  process,  quantum  yield,
               rearrangements  of  carbocations;  tandem  and  cascade   mechanism  of  decay  of  excited  states,  quenching.
               cyclizations.  Mechanistic  details  of  selected  classes  of   Applications   of   photochemistry:   photosynthesis,
               organic  reactions  such  as  nucleophilic  substitution,   photosynthesis, photobiology and photomedicine.
               hydrolysis,   polar   rearrangements,   electron-transfer
               reactions,  photochemical  reactions.  Pericyclic  reactions:   Assessment Methods:
               molecular  orbitals;  conservation  of  orbital  symmetry  in   Continuous assessment:    15%
               concerted  reactions;  theory  (frontier  orbital method,  use  of   Practical;       25%
               correlation  diagrams,  aromatic  transition  state  approach)   Final examination:      60%
               and  applications  of  electrocyclic  reactions,  sigmatropic
               rearrangements,  and  cycloadditions,  including  tandem  and   Medium of instruction:
               cascade processes, in organic synthesis.        English

               Assessment Methods:                             Soft skills:
               Continuous assessment:    15%                   CT1 – 3
               Practical:            25%
               Final examination:      60%                     References:
                                                               1. Atkins, P. W. (2010). Physical Chemistry, 9th ed. Oxford
               Medium of instruction:                            University Press, New York.
               English                                         2. Atkins, P. W. (2008). Molecular Quantum Mechanics, 5th
                                                                 Ed. Oxford University Press, New York.
               Soft skills:                                    3.  Lowe, J. P. (1993). Quantum Chemistry, 2nd Ed.
               CT1 – 3                                           Academic Press,  New York..

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