Page 44 - handbook 20152016
P. 44
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
CS2, CT3, LL2, EM1
References: Students are attached to research labs carrying out mini-projects on
1. J.L. Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, Prentice Hall, 1995. experiments in material science in characterizing electrical, optical,
2. N.G. McCrum, C.P. Buckley and C.B. Bucknall, Principles of magnetic, mechanical, thermal properties of photonic materials, smart
Polymer Engineering, Oxford University Press, 1988.
3. P.Painter and M.M Coleman, Fundamentals of Polymer Science materials electrochemistry, polymer composites, semiconductor
(AN Introductory Text), Technomic materials organic electronics, devices and advanced material
4. D.J. Bower, An Introduction to Polymer Physics, Cambridge Univ. processing while learning to use various characterizing equipments
such as scanning electron microscopy, micro-raman spectroscopy, UV-
Press 2002. VIS-NIR spectroscopy, Light microscopy, x-ray diffraction, scanning
SMEB2207 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING probe microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, auger electron
spectroscopy, fast fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, four-point
Students are equipped with the fundamentals of how the computer probe, thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, electrical
impedance spectroscopy and simple material process technology.
works. The important components in a computer will be explained in Students will be exposed with labviews programming.
detail. Students are taught to perform computer programming using C
language. The basic statements are discussed and the methodology is
shown. C++ will also be briefly introduced. Assessment Method:
Continuous Assessment: 100%
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60% Medium of Instruction:
Continuous Assessment: 40% English
Medium of Instruction: Soft-skills:
English CS2, CT3, LL2
Soft-skills: References:
CS2, CT3, LL2 1. Y. Leng, Materials Characterization: Introduction to Microscopic
and Spectroscopic Methods, 1 edition (Wiley, Jun 2, 2008)
References: 2. Sam Zhang, Lin Li, Ashok Kumar Materials Characterization
1. Richard Johnsonbaugh and Martin Kalin, C for Scientists and Techniques, 1 edition (CRC Press, Disember 22, 2008)
Engineers, 1 edition (Prentice Hall,Oct 12, 1996) 3. Angelika H. Hofmann, Scientific Writing and Communication:
2. Robert L. Wood, C Programming for Scientists and Engineers Papers, Proposals, and Presentations, 1 edition (Oxford University
(Manufacturing Engineering Series) (Butterworth-Heinemann, Jun Press, Disember 16, 2009)
20, 2002)
3. David R. Brooks, C Programming: The Essentials for Engineers SMEB3201 SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL AND DEVICES
and Scientists (Undergraduate Texts in Computer Science), 1 st
edition (Springer,Jun 4, 1999) Charge Carriers in Semiconductors, Dopant Atoms and Energy
Levels, The Extrinsic and Intrinsic Semiconductor, Fermi Energy Level,
SMEB2271 MATERIAL SCIENCE LABORATORY I Carrier Drift, Carrier Diffusion, The Hall Effect, Carrier Generation and
Recombination, The pn Junction, pn Junction Diode, Metal-
Students are attached to research labs carrying out mini-projects on Semiconductor and Semiconductor Heterojunctions,
experiments in material science in characterizing electrical, optical, Semiconductor devices: Bipolar Transistor, Field-Effect Transistor,
magnetic, mechanical, thermal properties of photonic materials, smart Solar Cells, Photodetectors, Light Emitting Diodes, Tunnel Diode,
materials electrochemistry, polymer composite, semiconductor Microwave devices.
materials organic electronics , devices and advanced material Semiconducting Materials Technology:
processing while learning to use various characterizing equipment such Materials used for photovoltaics cells: Crystalline Silicon, Cadmium
as scanning electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, UV-VIS- telluride, Copper indium galium selenide, Gallium arsenide
NIR spectroscopy, Light microscopy, x-ray diffraction, scanning probe multijunction, Light-absorbing dyes. Material engineering for high
microscopy , scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron efficiency solar cells
microscopy, auger electron spectroscopy, fast Fourier transform Light emitting diode: Material engineering for different colour of LED
infrared spectroscopy, four-point probe, thermogravimetry, differential and high efficiency white LED.
scanning calorimetry, electrical impedance spectroscopy and simple
material process technology. Students will be exposed with Labview Assessment Method:
programming. Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Assessment Method:
Continuous Assessment: 100% Medium of Instruction:
Medium of Instruction:
English Soft-skills:
CS3, CT3, LL2
CS2, CT3, LL2 References:
1. Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization by Dieter K.
References: Schroder (Jan 30, 2006)
1. Y. Leng, Materials Characterization: Introduction to Microscopic 2. Fundamentals of Semiconductors: Physics and Materials
and Spectroscopic Methods, 1 edition (Wiley, Jun 2, 2008) Properties (Graduate Texts in Physics) [Hardcover] Peter Y. Yu
2. Sam Zhang, Lin Li, Ashok Kumar Materials Characterization (Author), Manuel Cardona (Author)
Techniques, 1 edition (CRC Press, Disember 22, 2008) 3. Semiconductor Device Fundamentals by Robert F. Pierret (Apr
3. Angelika H. Hofmann, Scientific Writing and Communication: 12, 1996)
Papers, Proposals, and Presentations, 1 edition (Oxford University
Press, Disember 16, 2009)