Page 110 - handbook 20162017
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Medium of Instruction:                           language.  It  provides  an overview  of  programming
               English                                          concepts, design and an introduction to coding using the
                                                                C++  language.  The  course  has  a  focus  on  creating
               Soft Skills:                                     working  computer  programs  in  C++.  This  course  will
               CT3, TS2, LS2                                    address fundamental concepts of analysis, design, testing
                                                                and  code  development.  It  includes  flowcharts,  Boolean
               Main References:                                 logic,  control  flow,  data  types  and  structures,  variables,
               1. Pavel  Pevzner  and  Ron  Shamir  (2011).  Bioinformatics  arrays, and functions.
                 for Biologist. Cambridge University Press.
               2. Lesk,  A.  (2014).  Introduction to  Bioinformatics.  4 ed.  Assessment Methods:
                 Oxford University Press.                       Continuous Assessment:  40%
               3. Caroline St Clair and Jonathan Visick (2013). Exploring  Final Examination:  60%
                 Bioinformatics:  A  Project-Based  Approach.  2 nd  ed.  Medium of Instruction:
                 Jones and Bartleti Publishers.                 English

                                                                Soft Skills:
               SIV 2002  BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES       CT3, TS2, LL2

               The  course  includes  the  metabolism  process  of  Main References:
               carbohydrate,  glycogen,  penthose  phosphate  pathway,  1.Bjarne Stroustrup (2014). Programming: Principles and
               gluconeogenesis,  lipid  and  amino  acid  metabolism,  Practice Using C++. 2 ed. Addison-Wesley.
               photosynthesis,  stomata  opening,  plant  transportation,  2.Deitel and Deitel (2014). C++ How to Program. Prentice
               ecology,  mechanism  of  muscle  contraction,  vertebrate  Hall.
               endocrine  system,  transportation  of  oxygen  and  carbon  3.Y.  Daniel  Liang  (2014).  Introduction  to  Programming
               dioxide in blood.                                  with C++. 3 ed. Prentice Hall.
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      SIV 2005  BIOPHYSICS IN BIOINFORMATICS
               Final Examination:   60%
                                                                This course introduces students to the field of biophysics
               Medium of Instruction:                           and its role in the life sciences. It covers diverse aspects
               English                                          of  biophysical  chemistry,  including  general  concepts  in
                                                                thermodynamics and  kinetics  as  well  as  topics  more
               Soft Skills:                                     specific  to  biological  macromolecules.  Students  will  also
               CS3, CT3, LL2                                    be  introduced  to  Physical  techniques  are  central  to  the
                                                                measurement  of  the  atomic  structure,  dynamics  and
               Main References:                                 interactions  of  molecules  that  are  a  core  foundation  of
               1. Lubert  Stryer (1998). Biochemistry.  3 rd  ed. W.H  modern molecular biology.
                 Freeman and Company.
               2. Neil  A.  Cambell,  Jane  B.  Reece  and  Lawrence  G.  Assessment Methods:
                 Mitchell (1999). Biology. 5 ed. Addisioin Wesley.  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               3. Solomon,  E.P,  Berg,  L.R.,Martin,  D.W.  and  Ville,  C.  Final Examination:  60%
                 (1996). Biology. 4 ed. Saunders College Publishing.
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               The  syllabus  of  this  course  concepts,  structure  and  Soft Skills:
               mechanisms  of  Operating  Systems,  design  principals  of  CT3, TS2, LS1
               modern  operating  systems  reinforced  with  real  world
               examples.                                        Main References:
                                                                1. Andrey  B.  Rubin  (2014)  Fundamentals  of  Biophysics.
               Assessment Methods:                                Wiley-Scrivener Publishing.
               Continuous Assessment:  60%                      2. R.  Glaser  (2012)  Biophysics:  An  Introduction. 2 nd  ed.
               Final Examination:   40%                           Springer.
                                                                3. R. Phillips, J. Kondev, J. Theriot and H. Garcia (2012).
               Medium of Instruction:                             Physical Biology of the Cell. 2 ed. Garland Science.
               Soft Skills:                                     SIV 2006  ALGORITHMS IN BIOINFORMATICS
               CS3, CT3, LL2
                                                                This  course  introduces  some  basic  bioinformatics
               Main References:                                 algorithms  in  solving  the  biological  problems  such  as
               1. William  Stallings  (2014).  Operating  Systems:  Internals  exhaustive   search,   greedy   algorithms,   dynamic
                 and Design Principles. 8 ed. Pearson.          programming  algorithms,  divide-and-conquer  algorithms,
               2. Thomas  Anderson  and  Michael  Dahlin  (2014).  hidden Markov Modelling (HMM) and other techniques.
                 Operating Systems: Principles and Practice. 2 ed.
               3. Andrew  S.  Tanenbaum,  Herbert  Bos  (2014).  Moden  Assessment Methods:
                 Operating Systems. 4 ed.                       Continuous Assessment:  40%
                                                                Final Examination:  60%
               SIV 2004  COMPUTER PROGRAMMING                   Medium of Instruction:
               This  course  is  intended  as  a  first  introduction  to
               programming  computers  using  the  C++  programming

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