Page 113 - handbook 20162017
P. 113

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Main References:                                 Main References:
               1. Zvelebil  M.  & Baum  J.  O.  (2008).  Understanding  1. Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods (2012). Digital
                 Bioinformatics. Garland Science, USA.            Image Processing. 3rd ed. Pearson Education.
               2. Stryer L. (2015). Biochemistry. Freeman and Co., NY.  2. Chris Solomon & Toby Breckon (2013). Fundamental of
               3. Leach, A.R. (2010). Molecular Modelling- Principles and  Digital  Image  Processing:  A  Practical  Approach  with
                 Applications. Addison Wesley Longman.            Examples in Matlab. Wiley-Blackwell.
                                                                3. Omer Demirkaya, Musa H. Asyali, Prasanna K. Sahoo
                                                                  (2012). Image Processing with MATLAB: Applications in
               SIV 3006 GENOMICS                                  Medicine and Biology. CRC Press.
               This  course covers the  following  topics: Organismic
               genomes; Genome anatomy, mapping, evolution, analysis  SIV 2013    OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING
               and  rearrangements; Genome  databases; Genome  and
               transcriptome sequencing technology.             This  course  aims  to  introduce  the  concept  of  object-
                                                                oriented programming. It covers the introduction of object-
               Assessment Methods:                              oriented  (OO)  programming  paradigm  such  as  OO
               Continuous Assessment:  30%                      concepts (class,  property,  method,  etc.),  constructor,
               Final Examination:   70%                         destructor,   operator   overloading,   functions,   class
                                                                template,  data  abstraction,  inheritance,  polymorphism,
               Medium of Instruction:                           exception handling, pointers, recursion and linked list data
               English                                          structure.  Various  problems  related  to  Bioinformatics  are
                                                                considered to be solved using OO programming language
               Soft Skills:                                     such as C++ or Java.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Main References:                                 Continuous Assessment:  60%
               1. Bruce  R.  Korf  and  Mira  B.  Irons  (2013). Human  Final Examination:  40%
                 Genetics and Genomics.
               2. Nancy  Craig,  Rachel  Green,  Carol  Greider  and  Gisela  Medium of Instruction:
                 Storz (2014). Molecular Biology: Principles of Genome  English
               3. Leland  H.  Hartwell,  Michael  Goldberg,  Janice  Fischer  Soft Skills:
                 and  Charles  (Chip)  Aquadro  (2014).  Genetics:  From  CS4, CT3, TS2
                 Genes to Genomes.
                                                                Main References:
                                                                1. Walter  Savitch (2013).  Absolute  C++.  Fifth  Edition.
               SIV 3011  CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOINFORMATICS         Pearson.
                                                                2. Walter  Savitch  (2012).  Problem  Solving  with  C++. 7 th
               This  course covers  special  topics  concerning  currents  ed. Addison Wesley.
               issues in Bioinformatics. It headed towards special topics  3. Tore Samuelsson (2012). Genomics and Bioinformatics:
               that introduce bioinformatics. Importance is as well given  An  Introduction  to  Programming  Tools  for  Life
               to the latest research areas in bioinformatics. Topics are  Scientists. Cambridge University Press.
               delivered  in  a  series  of  seminars  followed  by  exercises
               and assignments.
                                                                SIV 2014    HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  100%                     This  course  introduces  the  concepts  of  human-computer
                                                                interaction,  interaction  design  process,  implementation
               Medium of Instruction:                           support, evaluation techniques and current issues in HCI
               English                                          such  as  mobile  interface  design  and  interactive  web-
                                                                based systems.
               Soft Skills:
               CS4, CT3, LL2, EM2                               Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:  40%
                                                                Final Examination:  60%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               This  course  aims  to  introduce  the  concepts  in  image  English
               processing and analysis, specifically on biological images.
               It  covers  the  introduction  of  the  digital  image  Soft Skills:
               representation,   processing   and   analysis.   Various  CT3, TS1, EM2
               problems related to biological images are considered to be
               solved using programming language such as Matlab and  Main References:
               C++, as well as image processing and analysis software  1. Jennifer  Preece,  Yvonne  Rogers,  and  Helen  Sharp.
               such as ImageJ and Adobe Photoshop.                Interaction   Design:   Beyond  Human-Computer
                                                                  Interaction. John Wiley.
               Assessment Methods:                              2. Alan  Dix,  Janet  Finlay,  Gregory  Abowd,  and  Russel
               Continuous Assessment:  60%                        Beale  (2013).  Human- Computer  Interaction.  Prentice
               Final Examination:   40%                           Hall.
                                                                3. Ben  Schneiderman.  Designing  the  User  Interface:
               Medium of Instruction:                             Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction. 5 th
               English                                            ed. Addison Wesley.
               Soft Skills:
               CS4, CT3, TS2

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