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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Main References:                                 4.  Crop Ecology 2nd Edition (2011) by David J. Connor,
               1.Mann, J. (1987). Secondary Metabolism. 2nd ed. Oxford  Robert S. Loomis & Kenneth G. Cassman,
                 University Press.                                  Cambridge University Press.
               2. Wink, M. (ed). (1999). Biochemistry of Plant Secondary  5.  Plant  Mutation  Breeding  and  Biotechnology  (2012)
                 Metabolism. Annual Plant Reviews, Vol. 2. Blackwell.  Shu  Q.Y.,  Forster,  B.P.  &  Nakagawa,  H.,  CABI
               3. Wink,  M.  (ed).  (2000).  Functions  of  Plant  Secondary  Publishing.
                 Metabolites  and  their  Exploitation  in  Biotechnology.
                 Annual Plant Reviews, Vol. 3. Blackwell.
                                                                SIO 3001    BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY
               SIO 2010    POST-HARVEST PROCESS ENGINEERING     Introduction  to  fermentation  technology:  history,  types  of
               AND TECHNOLOGY                                   fermentation,  examples  of fermentation industry. Kinetics
                                                                studies:  growth,  substrate  utilisation  and  product
               This  course  is  designed  to  expose  students  to  the  formation.  Fermentation  media:  formulation,  carbon,
               importance of postharvest biotechnology in horticulture. It  nitrogen, oxygen, minerals sources etc. Bioreactor design
               covers the  physiological  processes  involved  and the  use  and  sterilisation.  Balance  of  material  and  energy  in
               of biotechnology to address postharvest problems. It also  bioprocess:  open  and  closed  systems,  steady-state  and
               gives an overview of  processes involved from the time of  non-steady  state  systems,  reacting  and  non-reacting
               harvest until the time the produce reaches the market.  systems, stoichiometry. Physical processes in bioprocess:
                                                                fluid flow and mixing, mass and heat transfer. Bioreactor
               Assessment Methods:                              operation systems: stirred tank reactor (batch, semi-batch,
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      and continous), bubble column, airlift and packed bed.
               Final Examinations:  60%
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Medium of Instruction:                           Continuous Assessment:  40%
               English                                          Final Examinations:  60%
               Soft Skills:                                     Medium of Instruction:
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS3                          English
               Main References:                                 Soft Skills:
               1. Chakraverty  A  and  Singh  P  (2014).  Postharvest  CS5, CT6, TS5, LS2, LL2
                  Technology  and  Food  Process  Engineering.  USA:
                  Taylor & Francis Group.                       Main References:
               2. Ramaswamy HS (2014). Post-harvest Technologies of  1.Doran, P.M. (2000). Bioprocess Engineering Principles.
                  Fruits & Vegetables. USA: DEStech Publications.  Academic Press.
               3. Berk  Z  (2013).  Food  Process  Engineering  and  2. Shuler,  M.L.  &  Kargi,  F.  (2002).  Bioprocess
                  Technology, 2 edition. UK: Elsevier             Engineering: Basic Concepts. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall.
               4. Shewfelt  RL  and  Prussia  SE  (2012).  Postharvest  3. Stanbury,  P.F.,  Whitaker,  A.  &  Hall,  S.J.  Principles  of
                  Handling:  A Systems  Approach.  London:  Academic  Fermentation Technology. (2003). 2nd ed. Butterworth-
                  Press.                                          Heinemann.
               5. Verma  LR  and  Joshi  VK  (2000).  Postharvest
                  Technology  of  Fruits  and  Vegetables:  Handling,
                  Processing,  Fermentation,  and  Waste  Management,  SIO 3002   RESEARCH AND COMMERCIALISATION
                  Volume 2.New Dehli: Indus Publishing.                 IN BIOTECHNOLOGY
                                                                The  course  covers  the  current  status  in  research  and
               SIO 2011     PLANT BREEDING                      commercialisation of all aspects of biotechnology both in
                                                                Malaysia  and  internationally.  Current  topics  such  as
               The objective of this course is to introduce the principles  patents and IPR are discussed.
               of  genetics  and  basic techniques  in  plant  breeding.  It
               covers    sexual  reproduction  systems  in  plants,  self-  Assessment Methods:
               pollinated  and  cross-polinated  crops,  techniques  in  plant  Continuous Assessment:  100%
               breeding,  techniques  in  breeding  for  disease  resistance
               and the development of hybrids.                  Medium of Instruction:
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      Soft Skills:
               Final Examination:  60%                          CT4, LL2, TS2, KK1, LS2, CS4, EM2
               Medium of Instruction:                           Main References:
               English                                          1.   Journals in Biotechnology.
                                                                2.   Trends in Biotechnology.
               Soft Skills:                                     3.   Nature
               CS4, CT3, TS3,
               Main References:                                 SIO 3003    RENEWABLE ENERGY
               1.  Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding 2nd
                   Edition (2012) by George Acquaah, Wiley and  This  course  addresses  the  science  and  engineering  on
                   Blackwell.                                   biorenewables  (biofuels/bioenergy  and  chemicals  and
               2.  Essentials of Plant Breeding (2014) by Rex   materials  from  biomass)  with  special  emphasis  on
                   Bernardo, Semma Press, Minnesota.            bioenergy. Renewable  resources  (“biomass”  -  plant
               3.  Control of Crop Diseases 3rd Edition (2012) by W.R.  matter, waste) can be converted into fuels and chemicals
                   Carlile, Cambridge University Press.         using  a  variety  of cutting-edge  biotechnologies. It covers
                                                                new thoughts, new methods and new achievements that

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