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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               have emerged in the biotechnology for renewable energy  SIO 3006  INDUSTRIAL TRAINING IN
               in recent years. Related techniques i.e. optimized process  BIOTECHNOLOGY
               design,  process  control,  pretreatment  of  substrates  for
               higher conversion rates, operational and energy efficiency  Students  will  be  stationed  at  their  preferred  industrial
               improvement  and  quantification  and  optimization  of  the  placement  choice.  They will  be  doing  daily  chores  as
               environmental benefits that is inherent in the process will  indicated  by  their  site  supervisor.  At  the  end  of  training,
               be introduced.                                   students  are  required  to  submit  a  complete  report
                                                                regarding their industrial training experience.
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      Assessment Methods:
               Final Examination:  60%                          Continuous Assessment:  100%
               Medium of Instruction:                           Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          English

               Soft Skills:                                     Soft Skills:
               CT3                                              CS7, CT5, TS5, LL2, EM3, LS4
               Main References:
               Hinrich  and  Kleinbach  (2002).  Energy:  Its  Use  and  the  SIO 3007  ALGAE BIOTECHNOLOGY
               Environment. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning
                                                                Algae, including microalgae and macroalgae (seaweeds),
                                                                represent  a  biotechnological  resource  of  great  potential.
               SIO 3004     BIOSEPARATION                       Algae Biotechnology is defined as “ the use of algae or a
                                                                part  of  it  in  industrial  products,  medicine  or  processes”.
               Introduction to  bioseparation  and  characteristics  of  Topics  taught  include  new  biotechnological  products  like
               biological  products.  Methods  of  recovery,  isolation,  medicine,  polymers,  enzymes  and  technologies  for
               purification  and  polishing  of  bioproducts.  Bioproducts  isolation  and  production  of  algal  biomass  and  products;
               formulation.  Recent  techniques  in  bioseparation  i.e.  mass  cultivation,  harvesting  and  bioprocessing,  strain
               pervaporation,  supercritical  fluid  extraction,  reverse-  improvement,  etc.  Application  of  algae  biotechnology  in
               micelle etc.                                     aquaculture and environmental management.
               Assessment Methods:                              Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      Continuous Assessment:  40%
               Final Examination:  60%                          Final Examination:  60%

               Medium of Instruction:                           Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          English
               Soft Skills:                                     Soft Skills:
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2                               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2,  EM2

               Main References:                                 Main References:
               1. Belter,  P.A.,  Cussler,  E.L.  &  Hu,  W.S.  (1988)  1. Phang, S.M., Critchley, A.T. & Ang, P.Jr. (eds) (2006).
                 Bioseparations:   Downstream   Processing   For  Advances  in  Seaweed  Utilisation  and  Cultivation  in
                 Biotechnology. John Wiley.                       Asia.  UMMReC Publication.
               2. Harrison, R.G., Todd, P., Rudge, S.R. & Petrides, D.P.  2. Richmond,  A.  (ed).  (2003).  Handbook  of  Microalgal
                 (2003).  Bioseparations  Science  and  Engineering.  Culture:  Biotechnology  and Applied  Phycology.  Wiley-
                 Oxford University Press.                         Blackwell.
               3.  Bioproduct Recovery in Bioprocess Technology (1992).  3. Richard,A.   (2004).Handbook   of   Microalgal
                 Biotechnology. Open Learning.Butterworth-Heinemann.  Culture.Biotechnology and Applied Phycology.Blackwell
                                                                  Science Ltd.
               SIO 3005    RESEARCH PROJECT IN
                        BIOTECHNOLOGY                           SIO 3008    FUNGAL BIOTECHNOLOGY
               The  student  will  carry  out  a  research  project  and  then  This  course  concerns  the  structure,  biology  and  role  of
               write  a  thesis,  guided  by  one  or  two  supervisors.  The  fungi  in  the  chemical,  agriculture,  food,  medical  and
               student  is  encouraged  to  write  a  project  proposal  which  bioremediation  industries.    Practical  experience  in  the
               includes  sections  on  literature  review  and  materials  and  handling and isolation of fungi, as well as methodology of
               methods,  before  commencing  the  actual  research.  The  the  production  of  useful  compounds  from  fungi  are
               project covers two  semesters  (I and  II  or  II  and  III).  The  included.
               thesis  should  be  submitted  in  either  semester  II  or
               semester III, respectively.                      Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:  50%
               Assessment Methods:                              Final Examination:    50%
               Thesis         :      75%
               Presentation   :      25%                        Medium of Instruction:
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2
               Soft Skills:
               CS4, CT5, LL2, EM2

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