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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Medium of Instruction:                           2. Sherwood  and  Lauralee.  2004.  Human  Physiology:
               English                                             From  Cells  to  Systems  (5th  ed). Belmont,  C.A.:
                                                                   Thomson/ Brooks/ Cole.
               Soft Skills:                                     3. Tortora  and  J.  Gerard.  2004.  Introduction  to  the
               CS2, CT5, TS4, EM2, LL2                             Human  Body:    The  Essentials  of  Anatomy  and
                                                                   Physiology (6th ed). New York: Wiley.
               Main References:                                 4. Vander and J. Arthur. 2003. Human Physiology: The
               1. SIK 2002 Practical Manual                        Mechanisms  of  Body Function  (9th  ed). New  York:
                                                                5. Chiras  and  D.Daniel.  2003.  Human  Body  Systems:
               SIK 2003  GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY                      Structure, Function and Environment. Sudbury, Mass:
                                                                   Jones and Bartlett.
               Structure  and  physical  characteristic  of  water;    Acid  and
               base, pH and pK; classification, structure and function of
               carbohydrates  lipids,  amino  acids  and  proteins;  nucleic  SIK 2005  PHYTOCHEMISTRY
               acids and molecular biology; characteristic of enzyme and
               the  regulation  of  enzyme  activity;  the  use  of  enzyme  in  The   course   introduces   the   basic   principle   of
               industries;  catabolism  and  anabolism  of  carbohydrate,  phytochemistry to provide student sufficient skill to be able
               fatty acids, amino acids, nucleic acids.         to identify various classes of secondary metabolites. The
                                                                course  content  consist  of  introduction  to  phytochemistry,
               Assessment Methods:                              classification  of  phenolics,  terpenoid,  alkaloids  and  other
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      secondary  metabolites  compounds,  the  biosynthesis
               Final Examination:  60%                          pathway  of  acetate-melonate,  acetate-mevalonate  and
                                                                shikimic  acid  in  relation  to  the  formation  of  secondary
               Medium of Instruction:                           metabolite, physical and chemical properties of secondary
               English                                          product  and  its  medicinal  usage  as  antibiotic,  anti-
                                                                inflammation,  anti-oxidant  etc,  the  function  of  secondary
               Soft Skills:                                     metabolite in plants and the its application in health care
               CS2, CT2, LL2                                    industry, food and beverages, agriculture and etc.
               Main References:                                 Assessment Methods:
                1.  Biochemistry. Garett & Grisham. 2002. Saunders  Continuous Assessment:  40%
                    College  Publishers. Fort Worth/London/Sydney.  Final Examination:  60%
                2.  Concepts in Biochemistry. 2 Edition. Rodney
                    Boyer 2 . 2002. Brooks/Cole,Thomson Publishers.  Medium of Instruction:
                    Canada/Australia                            English
                3.  Biochemistry. Mathew, Van Holde & Ahern. 2000.
                    Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. San      Soft Skills:
                    Francisco. USA                              CS2, CT3, LL2
                4.  Biochemistry. Stryer. 1995. 4 Edition.  W. H.
                    Freeman & Company. New York.                Main References:
                5.  Hashim,  Onn.  2000.  Metabolisme Tubuh  Manusia.  1. John  T,  Romeo  (2004)  Secondary  metabolism  in
                    Penerbitan Universiti Malaya.                  model system, Amsterdam, Boston.
                6.  Lecture notes on Spectrum UM website        2. E.A. Bell and B.V. Cherlwood (1980) Secondary Plant
                                                                   Products.  Encyclopedia  of  Plant  Physiology,  New
                                                                   Series  Volume  8, Springer-Verhg  Berlin  Hcidelberg,
               SIK 2004 HUMAN AND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY                New York.
                                                                3. J.B  Harbone,  Phytochemical  Methods,  (1973),
               Concept  of  osmoticity  and  tonicity;  excretory  system:  Chapmen &Hall,Lon.
               anatomy;  physiology  and  diseases  of  kidney;  respiratory  4. John  F.  Robyt  and  Bernard  J.  White  (1987)
               system:  anatomy; physiology  and  diseases  of  lung;  Biochemical  Techniques  Theory  and  Practise,
               cardiovascular system: anatomy, physiology and diseases  Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
               of heart; nutrition (digestive system between ruminant and  5. John T, Romeo, James A. Saunders and Benjamin F,
               non-ruminant;  nutrition,  exercise  and  healthy  lifestyle);  Matthews  (2001) Regulation  of  phytochemicals  by
               homeostasis:  thermoregulation  and  neuronal  model  in  molecular  techniques.  New  York:  Elseiver  Science
               thermoregulation;  nervous  system  and  brain:  synapse,  Ltd.
               action  potential,  effect  of  drug,  EEG,  concept  of  the  left
               and right brain; physiology of the muscle and reproductive  SIK 2006  GENERAL HUMAN GENETICS
               Assessment Methods:                              In this course, an integrated approach to learning genetics
                                                                will  be  employed  encompassing  transmission  and
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      molecular genetics. Topics include: Cell cycle and cellular
               Final Examination:  60%
                                                                division;  Mendelian  and  non-Mendelian  inheritance;
               Medium of Instruction:                           Chromosome  and  heredity;  Linkage  and  crossing-over;
                                                                Genetic mapping;  Cytogenetics  and  the  human  genome;
               English                                          Human  genome  stability;  Human  genetic  diseases;
                                                                Genetic  technology  applications.  Emphasis  on  human
               Soft Skills:                                     perspectives  will  be  given  when  discussing  the  various
               CS2, CT2
               Main References:                                 Assessment Methods:
               1. Seeley and R. Rod. 2005. Essentials of Anatomy and  Continuous Assessment:  50%
                  Physiology (5th  ed). Boston, Mass: McGraw-Hill.
                                                                Final Examination:  50%

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