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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Main References:                                 SIK 3010  ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY
               Selected research papers and other publications.
                                                                This  course  covers  chromatography  principles  and
                                                                techniques,  together  with  the  use  of  spectrophotometer,
               SIK 3008  ANALYSIS OF DRUGS                      radioimmunoassay and autoanalyser.
               The  course  introduces  the  basic  principle  of  drug  Assessment Methods:
               standardization and regulation to provide student sufficient  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               skill to be able to evaluate the analysis drug in laboratory.  Final Examination:  60%
               This  course  exposes  the  students  to  how  a  drug  is
               analysed and how drug preparation is manufactured  and  Medium of Instruction:
               regulated.                                       English
               Assessment Methods:                              Soft Skills:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      CS2, CT2, LL2
               Final Examination:  60%
                                                                Main References:
               Medium of Instruction:                           1. Holme,  DJ.  (1998).    Analytical  Biochemistry  (3 Ed).
               English                                             Longman, UK
                                                                2. Voet,  Donald  (2004). Fundamentals  of  Biochemistry
               Soft Skills:                                        (2 Ed).  Wiley, New York.
               CS1, CT2, LL2, EM2                               3. Pratt,  CW.  (2004).    Essential  Biochemistry.    John
                                                                   Wiley, New Jersey
               Main References:
               1. Athanselis,  SA.,  Smith,  FP  and  Siegel,  JA  (2005).
                  Handbook of Forensic Derug Analysis.          SIK 3011  CANCER BIOLOGY
               2. Wagner, H. and Bladt, S. (1996). Plant Drug Analysis
                  (2 Ed).  Springer Verlag                      Topics   taught   encompass   nomenclature;   staging;
               3. Basic Tests  for  Pharmaceutical  Substances  (1990),  pathology;  the carcinogenesis concept;  classification and
                  WHO, Geneva                                   type  of  carcinogen;  epidemiology;  etiology;  therapy;
               4. The  Use  of  Essential  Drugs,  9 Report  of  the  WHO  prevention  and  discussion  on  common  cancers  in
                  Expert  Committee  (2000).    Technical  Report  Series  Malaysia.
               5. Flower,  DR.  (2002).    Drug  Design:  Cutting  Edge  Assessment Methods:
                  Approaches. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.  Continuous Assessment:  40%
                                                                Final Examination:  60%
               SIK 3009  BASIC HERBAL MEDICINE                  Medium of Instruction:
               The  course  consist  of  the  introduction  to  the  medicinal
               plants  and  herbal  medicine,  history  of  medicinal  plants,  Soft Skills:
               classification of medicinal plants, types and part of herbs  CS2, CT2, LL2
               use  as  a  drugs,  medicinal  herbs  system,  drug  herbs
               application, drug herbs preparation, chemical constituents  Main References:
               of  medicinal  plants,  herbal  medicine  formulation,  1. Cooper, G.M. (2009).  The Cell: A Molecular Approach
               development  of  herbal  drugs,  registration  of  herbal  (5 ed.). ASM Press. Washington, D.C.
               medicine.                                        2. Mendelsohn, J. et al. (2008). The Molecular Basis of
                                                                   Cancer. Saunders/Elsevier. Philadelphia
               Assessment Methods:                              3. Weinberg, R.A. (2007).  The Biology of Cancer.
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                         Garland Science. New York.
               Final Examination:  60%                          4. King, R.J.B. & Robins, M.W. (2006). Cancer Biology
                                                                   (3 ed.). Pearson/Prentice Hall, England.
               Medium of Instruction:                           5. Macdonald, C.H.J. & Casson, F.A.G. (2004).
               English                                             Molecular Biology of Cancer (2 ed.). BIOS Scientific
                                                                   Publishers. London.
               Soft Skills:
               CS1, CT3, LL2
                                                                SIK 3012    STEM CELL BIOLOGY
               Main References:
               1. Edward. P. Claus; Varro. E. Tyler and Lynn. R. (1970)  This  lecture  series  is  designed  to  give  the  student  an  in
                  Pharmacognosy 6th edition.                    depth  understanding  of  stem  cells,  their  uses  in
               2. Ethnopharmacology of Medicinal Plants: Asia and the  regenerative  therapies  and  how  stem  cells  can  be  the
                  Pacific  by  christophe  Wiert, Totowa,  NJ  :Humana  initiating  cells  in  diseases  such  as  cancer.  The  course
                  Press Inc.,2007.; Via: Springer Ebook         starts with general introduction to stem cell biology which
               3. Muhamad  Zakaria  and  Mustafa  Ali  Mohd  (1994)  covers definition, characterisation and signalling pathways
                  Traditional  Malay  Medicinal  Plants,  Penerbit  Fajar  involved  in  maintenance  of  stem  cells.  The  use  of  stem
                  Bakti Sdn Bhd.                                cells in regenerative therapies will then be covered, along
               4. Christophe wiart (2000) Mecidinal Plants of southeast  with  the  generation  of  the  alternative  induced  pluripotent
                  Asia, Pelanduk Publications.                  stem cells (iPSC) for use in patient specific therapies and
               5. Malaysian  Herbal  Monograph  (1999)  Volume  1,  for  the study  of  disease.  Finally the  course  will  focus  on
                  Published by the Malaysian Monograph committee.  stem cells as the initiating cells of cancer and will consider
                                                                the  adverse  effects  of  possible  genomic  instabilities,
                                                                associated with long term culture of human stem cells.

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