Page 111 - handbook 20162017
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Soft Skills:                                     SIV 2009  ANALYSIS OF ORGANISMAL
               CS3, LL1, CT3                                             SYSTEMATICS
               Main References:                                 Introduction  to  systematics  and  biodiversity,  Role  and
               1. Jones, N. C. and Pevzner P. A. (2014). An Introduction  importance  of  systematics,  Concepts  and  important
                 to Bioinformatics Algorithms, MIT Press.       characteristics of systematics, Discuss the analysis used
               2. Wing-Kin  Sun  (2013).  Algorithms  in Bioinformatics:  A  in phylogenetics. Introduction to the evolutionary concepts
                 Practical Introduction, Chapman.               and  mechanisms.  Aplication  of  several  phylogenetic
                                                                softwares  to  reconstruct  phylogenetic  trees  and  interpret
                                                                their relationships.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               This  course  introduces  methodologies  for  the  analysis,  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               design,  and  development  of  an  information  system.  Final Examination:  60%
               Importance is placed on system characteristics, managing
               projects,   prototyping,   CASE   tools,   and   systems  Medium of Instruction:
               development life cycle phases. Upon completion students  English
               should  be  able  to  analyze  a  problem  and  design  an
               appropriate  solution  using  a  combination  of  tools  and  Soft Skills:
               techniques.                                      CT3, TS2, LS1

               Assessment Methods:                              Main References:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      1. Ward  C.  Wheeler  (2012).  Systematics:  A  Course  of
               Final Examination:   60%                           Lectures. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
                                                                2. Carl  T.  Bergstrom  and  Lee  A.  Dugatkin  (2012).
               Medium of Instruction:                             Evolution. Norton &Company.
                                                                3. Jon C. Herron and Scott Freeman (2013). Evolutionary
               Soft Skills:                                       Analysis. 5th ed. Benjamin Cummings.
               CT3, TS2, LL2
               Main References:                                 SIV 2010  MATHEMATICS IN BIOLOGY
               1. K.E. Kendal and J.E. Kendal (2011). Systems analysis
                 and design. Prentice-Hall Inc.                 Basic  mathematics,  calculus,  molecular  mechanics,
               2. Whitten  and  Bentley.  Systems  Analysis  And  Design  differentiation, differential  equations and  programming.
                 Methods. 7 ed. Irwin McGraw-Hill Publishers.   Application  of  mathematics  in  biology  using  appropriate
               3. Jeffrey  A.  Hoffer  ,    Joey  George  and  Joe  A.  Valacich  examples.
                 (2013). Modern  Systems  Analysis  and  Design. 7 ed.
                 Prentice Hall.                                 Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:  40%
                                                                Final Examination:  60%
                        ENGINEERING                             Medium of Instruction:
               This course covers the following topics: The mechanism of
               replication,  transcription  and  translation  in  cells;  Soft Skills:
               Regulation of gene expression, including the interaction of  CT3, TS2, LS2
               molecules in viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes; DNA
               mutation,  DNA  repair mechanism  and  the  mechanism  of  Main References:
               genetic recombination; The role of the technology involved  1. Matthew   He   and   Sergey   Petoukhov   (2011).
               and ethical issues related to genetic engineering  Mathematics  of  Bioinformatics:  Theory,  Methods  and
                                                                  Applications. Wiley.
               Assessment Methods:                              2. Sunil  Mathur  (2010).  Statistical  Bioinformatics  with  R.
               Continuous Assessment:  30%
               Final Examination:   70%                           Akademic Press.
                                                                3. Frederick  R  Adler  (2012).    Modeling  the  Dynamics  of
               Medium of Instruction:                             Life: Calculus and Probability for life Scientists. Brooks
               English                                            Cole.
               Soft Skills:
               CT3                                              SIV 2011  INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE SYSTEMS

               Main References:                                 The  syllabus  of this  course  includes  background  of
               1. Bruce A. , Alexander J., Julian L., David M., Martin R.,  database  systems,  the  relational  model  and  languages,
                 Keith R. and Peter W. (2014). Molecular Biology of the  Relational  algebra  and  relational  calculus,  Database
                 Cell. 6 ed.                                    analysis  and  design,  methodology  and  some  selected
               2. James D. W., Tania A. B., Stephen P. B., Alexander G.,  database issues.
                 Michael L. and Richard L. (2013). Molecular Biology of
                 the Gene. 7 ed.                                Assessment Methods:
               3. Harvey L., Arnold B., Chris A. K., Monty K., Anthony B.,  Continuous Assessment:  60%
                 Hidde  P.,  Angelika  A. and  Matthew  P.  S. (2012).  Final Examination:  40%
                 Molecular Cell Biology. 7 ed.
                                                                Medium of Instruction:

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