Page 138 - handbook 20162017
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017
and public health and safety sectors. They can also work Main References:
in private and non-governmental organisation sectors. 1. Walliman, N. 2011. Research methods: The basics.
New York: Routledge.
2. Guthrie, G. 2010. Basic research methods: An entry to
SIH 1002 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY social science research. India: Sage Publications.
3. Yin, R.K. 2013. Case study research: Design and
Distribution, transport and fate of major pollutants in the methods. London: Sage Publicatons.
environment. Principles of environmental monitoring and
sampling, sample storage and pretreatment. Introduction
to basic concepts in environmental chemistry, chemical SIH 2002 SCIENTIFIC WRITING METHOD
analysis and chemical equilibrium.
Introduction to acquisition of suitable scientific literatures.
Assessment Methods: Guidelines on scientific writing skills and editing
Continuous Assessment: 40% particularly for literature review, scientific papers, poster,
Final Examination: 60% theses, dissertations and critique of research papers.
Techniques of oral and poster presentation will be
Medium of Instruction: presented.
Assessment Methods:
Soft Skills: Continuous Assessment: 100%
CS3, CT3, EM2.
Medium of Instruction:
Main References: English
1. James E. Girard, Principles Of Environmental
Chemistry,2009 Soft Skills:
2. Stanley E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, Eight CS4, CT3, LL2
Edition, 2004.
3. Dejene Eyele Tessema., Environmental Chemistry, Main References:
African virtual University, 2010 1 Gunther Tress, Bärbel Tress, Denis A. Saunders.
2014. How to write a paper for successful publication
in an international peer-reviewed journal. Pacific
SIH 1003 PLANT AND ENVIRONMENT Conservation Biology; 20(3): 1-15.
2 Day, R.A. 2011.How to write and publish a scientific
Introduction to plant system, structure and function. paper. 7 edition. Cambridge Univ Press
Energy conservation in photosynthesis. Introduction to 3 Hall, G.M., 2012. How to write a paper. Wiley &
environmental issues. Role of plant in mitigating the Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
environmental issues. Plant-environmental stresses.
Plant-environment interactions and examples.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40% Introduction to soil science. Soil function, soil factors and
Final Examination: 60% processes of soil formation. Physical, chemical and
biological properties of soils as they affect soil-plant-
Medium of Instruction: atmosphere relations, soil classification and suitability for
English agricultural and other uses.
Soft Skills Assessment Methods:
CS2, CT2, EM2, LL2 Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Main References:
1. Solomon, E.Martin, C., Martin, D.W. and Berg, L.R. Medium of Instruction:
(eds). 2015. Biology. 10 . ed. Thomson. English
2. Plant , Cell and Environment. Onlinelibrary. ISSN: 1365-3040. Soft Skills:
3. Environmental and Experimental Botany. CS3, CT3,TS2, LL2
experimental-botany/ ISSN: 0098-8472 Main References:
1. Plaster, E. 2008. Soil Science and Management (5th
edition). New York: Delmar Cengage Learning.
SIH 2001 RESEARCH METHODS 2. Brady, N.C. and Weil, R.R. 2008. The Nature and
Properties of Soils (14th Edition). Upper Saddle
Introduction to research basics and theory. Key features of River: Prentice Hall.
research such as research ethics, structuring the research 3. Blume, H.P., Brümmer, G.W., Fleige, H., Horn,R.,
project, finding and reviewing the literature. Attention paid Kandeler, E., Kögel-Knabner, I., Kretzschmar,
to data collection techniques and data analysis which R., Stahr, K., Wilke, B.M. 2015. Soil Science.
focus on qualitative and quantitative data. Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100%
Medium of Instruction:
English Definition of environment-related terms. Review of current
environmental problems. Types of pollutants and how they
Soft Skills: affect the organisms and ecosystem. Pollution from
CS3, CT3, LL2, EM2 sediment, nutrients (eutrophication), hazardous materials,