Page 141 - handbook 20162017
P. 141

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Medium of Instruction:                           Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          English
               Soft Skills:                                     Soft Skills:
               CS2, CT3, EM2                                    CS2, CT3
               Main References:                                 Main References:
                1.  Energy and Environmental Science             1.  Guidelines on Industrial Training
                   (!rec  (
                   entarticles&adv)                                 ining%20Guidelines%2020092010.pdf)
                2.  Energy Science and Engineering               2.  Dasar Latihan Industri
                   (  (
                   SN%292050-0505)                                  Industri-IPT.pdf)
                3.  Renewable Energy                             3.  Article
                   (     (
                   energy/)                                         /31/how-to-get-an-awesome-internship/)

               SIH 2014 ENVIRONMENTAL FORENSICS                 SIH 3003  ECOLOGY
               Environmental pollution had caused many environmental  This course is a continuation to the basic ecology courses
               effect. This involves the quality and biodiversity of the  thought  at  lower  level  i.e.  secondary  school  and
               environment. Therefroe, this course will expose students  matriculation or equivalent. History, origin and definition of
               in investigation of environemntal evidence do identify the  ecology will be discussed. Issues such as definitions and
               causes of any pollution episode..                problems in ecological study and its relationship with other
                                                                disciplines  like  climate  change  are  brainstormed.
               Assessment Methods:                              Terrestrial and marine ecological sampling techniques will
               Continuous Assessment:  50%                      be  highlighted.  In  depth  topics  include  biodiversity,
               Final Examination:    50%                        populations,  community,  ecosystem,  conservation  and
                                                                ecological restoration.
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:  50%
               Soft Skills:                                     Final Examination:    50%
               CS4, CT3, CS2
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Main References:                                 English
               1.  Environmental Forensics Journal
               2.  Environmental Forensics.                     Soft Skills:
           CS1, CT1, LL1
               3.  O'Sullivan & Sandau .2014.. Environmental
                   Forensics for Persistent Organic Pollutants, 1st  Main References:
                   Edition. Elsevier                             1.  Smith,  T.M.  and  Smith,  R.L.  2012. Elements  of
                                                                    Ecology. 8 ed. Pearson International Edn/Benjamin
               SIH 3001 SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL                2.  Molles,  M.C.  Jr.,  2012.  Ecology: concepts  and
                       MANAGEMENT PROJECT                           applications. 6 edition. McGraw Hill.
                                                                 3.  Robert E.Ricklefs and Rick Relyea, 2014. Ecology:
               Students  will  conduct  research  project  individually  under  the  economy  of  nature.  7 th  edition.  McMillan
               at least one lecturer from the Science and Environmental  Education.
               Management  program.  The  lecturer  becomes  the  main
               supervisor  and  has to make sure  that  the  project  will  be
               finished  within  the  2  semesters.  The  thesis  must  be  SIH 3004  ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, POLICY AND
               completed at the end of the course.                       LAW
               Assessment Methods:                              In pursuing vast and rapid development in any countries,
               Continuous Assessment:  100%                     one  cannot  avoid  sacrificing  its  nature  and  resources.
                                                                Environmental  problems  and  disasters  could  only  give
               Medium of Instruction:                           negative impacts to livelihood and environment. But this is
               English                                          not  necessarily  so.  Only  those  who  have  awareness
                                                                towards  sustainable development  would  have  vision  and
               Soft Skills:                                     mission  in  applying  and  implementing  ethics,  policy  and
               CS3, CT3, LL2, EM2                               law to save the nature. Analysing the recent calamity like
                                                                Tsunami and problem solving by giving a constructive and
                                                                practical  ideas  from  every  perspective.  Analyse  how  to
               SIH 3002 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING                     create  ethics  that  lead  to  policy  making  and  finally  law
                                                                enforcement.  Environmental  ethics,  policy  and  law  is
               In  this  course, students  will  gain  practical  skill  and  applicable  in  various  fields  like  biotechnology  for  food
               experiences  in  solving  environmental  issues  during  their  safety,  air  and  water  quality  for  health  improvement,  the
               industrial attachment. Students will be attached to various  use  of  chemicals  and  pesticides  for  health  risk,  socio-
               institutions/industries/companies/research   centres,  economy   for   balancing   costs   and   benefits   of
               environmental laboratories etc. for 8 weeks.     environmental  measures  and  also  land  use  for  habitats
                                                                and biodiversity.
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  100%

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