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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Soft skills:                                   Medium of instruction:
               CT1 – 3                                        English
               References:                                    Soft skills:
               1. P.J. Collings & M. Hird, Introduction to Liquid Crystals -  CT1 – 3
                 Chemistry and Physics, Taylor and Francis, 1997
               2. Priestley,  Wojtowicz  &  Ping  Sheng,  Introduction  to  References:
                 Liquid Crystals, Plenum Press, 1975.         1. Christopher   Elschenbroich   &   Albrecht   Salzer,
               3. W.  Emsley  &  J.C.  Lindon,  NMR  Spectroscopy  using  Organometallics: A Concise Introduction, VCH, 1989
                 Liquid   Crystal   Solvents,   Pergamon   Press  2. W.  Kaim  and  B.  Schwederski,  Bioinorganic  Chemistry:
                 (  Inorganic elements in the Chemistry of Life, John Wiley &
                 9191)                                         Sons, 1995.
                                                              3. Coordination Chemistry Reviews Journal
                                                              4. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
               SID3010 MATERIALS CHEMISTRY                    5. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
               Materials characterisation techniques
               Introduction  to structural  and  physical  characterisation  SID3012 APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY
               techniques,   X-ray   diffraction,   Scanning   electron
               microscopy,  Thermal  analysis  (TGA,  DTA,  DSC),  X-ray  Electroplating:  describe,  define  and  contrast  different
               photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy,  types  of  deposition  techniques.  Identify  and  describe
               Raman spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy           advantages and disadvantages of electroplating.
               Metal, Glass and Ceramic (Refractory Materials)  Battery and fuel cells: describe fundamentals and analyze
               Introduction  to  metallic  properties,  relationship  between  components of a battery, charge and discharge of battery,
               structure  and  metallic  properties,  phase  diagram  of  simple  types of battery, types of fuel cells. Compare and contrast
               alloys. Glass - Glassy  state,  types  of  glass,  application.  different types of batteries and fuel cells.
               Ceramic - Preparation, properties and application.
               Introduction to new or advanced materials.     Corrosion: describe “corrosion cell”. Describe, define and
                                                              compare  different  of  types  of  corrosion  in  industry.
               Assessment Methods:                            Describe, explain and define types of corrosion protection.
               Continuous assessment:  30%
               Final examination:    70%                      Electrochemical  sensors:  describe,  define,  compare  and
                                                              contrast potentiometric and amperometric sensors and the
               Medium of instruction:                         fundamentals underlying them, identify factors for a good
               English                                        electrochemical   sensor,   describe   examples   of
                                                              electrochemical sensors.
               Soft skills:
               CT1 – 3                                        Assessment Methods:
                                                              Continuous assessment:  30%
               References                                     Final examination:   70%
               1. Introduction, 4 edition, John-Wiley &  Sons, 1997
               2. H.H.Willard,  L.L.Merritt  Jr.,  J.A.Dean,  F.A.Settle  Jr.,  Medium of instruction:
                 Instrumental  Methods  of  Analysis,  7 th  edition,  English
                 Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1988
               3. W.F.  Smith,  Principles  of  Materials  Science  and  Soft skills:
                 Engineering, McGraw-Hill                     CT1 – 3
               4. W.D.  Kingery,  H.K.  Bowen  and  D.R.  Uhlmann,
                 Introduction to Ceramics, John Wiley & Sons.  References:
                                                              1. D. Pletcher and F.C. Walsh, Industrial Electrochemistry,
                                                               2 Edition, 1990.
               SID3011 APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY       2. J. Wang, Analytical Electrochemistry, 2000.
                                                              3. Skoog, Holler and Nieman, Principles of Instrumental
               General  introduction  to  types  of  ligands  like  phosphines,  Analysis, 1998.
               CO,  hydrides  and  carbenes.  Industrial  catalytic  cycles
               such   as   hydrogenations,   hydroformilations   &
               oligomerization  were  discussed.  Homogeneous  and  SID3013 APPLIED CATALYSIS
               heterogenous  catalysis:  the  use  of  transition  metal
               complexes  in  catalytic  cycle  and  application  of  Principles  of  catalysis,  importance  and  implication  of
               organometallic compounds in organic synthesis were also  catalysts in  a  reaction.  Concept  of  homogeneous,
               studied.                                       heterogeneous  and  biocatalysis  (enzyme)  in  general.
                                                              Catalytic function and structure, catalyst design, synthetic
               Identify  organometallic  compounds  used  in biological  methods.
               processes & drugs. Definition of cancer cells & treatments
               using  organometallic  compounds.  Reaction  mechanism.  Catalyst performance and causes for the deactivation.
               Defination  of  diabetic  mellitususage  of  organometallic  Examples   in   the   application   of   homogeneous,
               compounds  in  treating  diabetic  patients.  Preparation  of  heterogeneous and biocatalysis in industrial processes.
               these complexes. Structure and activity relationship. Other  Assessment Methods:
               biological applications of organometallic compounds.  Continuous assessment:  30%
                                                              Final examination:   70%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment:  30%                    Medium of instruction:
               Final examination:    70%                      English

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