Page 201 - handbook 20162017
P. 201

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

                 1. X-ray diffractometry                      Assessment Methods:
                 2. Thermal analysis                          Continuous assessment:  30%
                 3. Raman spectroscopy                        Final examination:   70%
                 4. Radiochemical technique
                 5. Scanning electron microscopy              Medium of instruction:
                 6. Multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy  English
                 7. Mass spectroscopy
                                                              Soft skills:
               Assessment Methods:                            CT1 – 3
               Continuous assessment:  30%
               Final examination:    70%                      References:
                                                              1. Dewick,  P.M.  Medicinal  Natural  Products  -  A
               Medium of instruction:                          Biosynthetic  Approach.  3rd  Ed.,  John  Wiley  &  Sons,
               English                                         2011.
                                                              2. Fattorusso,  E.,  Taglialatela-Scafati,  O.  Eds.,  Modern
               Soft skills:                                    Alkaloids – Structure, Isolation, Synthesis and Biology,
               CT1 – 3                                         Wiley-VCH, 2008.
                                                              3. Simpson, J.H. Organic Structure Determination Using 2-
               References:                                     D  NMR  Spectroscopy - A  Problem Based  Approach.
               1. Russel  S.  Drago,  Physical  Methods  for  Chemists,  2 nd  2nd Ed., Academic Press 2012.
                 Edition, Saunders College Publishing, 1992   4. Faber, K. Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry. 6th
               2. J.P. Glusker, M. Lewis and M. Rossi, Crystal Structure  Ed. Springer, 2011. ISBN 978-3-642-17392-9
                 Analysis  for  Chemists  and  Biologists, VCH  Publishers
                 New York. 1994
               3. E.A.V.  Ebsworth,  D.W.H.  Rankin  and  S.  Cradock,
                 Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry, 2 nd  Edition,
                 Balckwell, 1991

               Introduction  to  recent  research  areas  or  topics  with
               significant  values  and/or  apparent  impact  to  the  society,
               industry, environment etc.

               In-depth  discussion  on  selected  topics;  covering  aspects
               on  chemical  syntheses,  chemical/physical  modifications,
               characterisation,  analytical  methods,  structure  and
               properties of materials, etc.
               The  types  of  chemical  reaction,  characterisation,  and
               analytical  methods  to  be  introduced  in  the  course  are
               based on the selected special topics.
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment:  30%
               Final examination:    70%

               Medium of instruction:
               Soft skills:
               CT1 – 3
               1. Journal Articles.
               2. Other references.


               Introduction of the important roles and classes of natural
               Extraction methods for natural products.
               Separation methods for natural product isolation.
               Application  of  spectroscopic methods  (NMR  and  MS)  for
               structural elucidation of natural products.

               Bio-catalytic  processes:  Enzymes  &  enzymatic  reactions
               (kinetics,  substrate  selectivity,  activity,  isolation  &
               purification); Application of enzymes, fermentation and cell
               cultures in chemistry.

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