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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               3. Value the need for sustainable development in the practice  14. Nuclear Physics
                  of physics for the needs of society and the environment.  15. Nuclear Astrophysics
               4. Demonstrate  capability  in  seeking  creative  and  practical  16. Stellar Astrophysics
                  solutions to meet the requirements and changes dictated
                  by the work environment in a scientific, professional and  Major facilities in the Department of Physics that are primarily
                  ethical way.                                  used  in  research  of  experimental  nature  are: TEM,  FE-SEM,
               5. Demonstrate  communication,  leader-ship  and  team  work  SEM-EDX,  XRD,  AFM,  FT-IR,  PL,  TLD  Reader,  OMA,  60Co
                  skills  particularly  in  relating  scientific  and  technical  irradiator and HpGe Gamma spectrometer, TGA, DSC, DMA,
                  information through both written and oral presentations.  UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer, Field Emission Auger Microprobe,
               6. Apply  physics  principles  to  novel  situations,  both  in  the  Flame  Hydrolysis  Deposition  system,  Mask  Aligner,  1  m
                  classroom  and  in  research  settings,  through  critical  grazing incidence Spectrometer, DC sputtering system etc.
                  thinking,  problem  solving,  mathematical  and  computer
                  modelling, and laboratory experimentation.    Other  research  facilities  available  in  the  Department  include
               7. Manage effectively the rigor and discipline it takes to be a  high  speed  diagnostic  system such  as  streak  camera,  fast
                  good  scientist  with  efficient  time  management  and  digital  oscilloscope,  spectrum  analyzers,  thin  film  preparation
                  appropriate use of resources.                 systems,  clean  room  and  gas  handling  facilities,  high-power
               8. Apply their physics experience and knowledge to explore  laser,  picosecond  laser,  high  voltage  and  high  current
                  opportunities in entrepreneurship world.      discharge  systems,  rf  ionization  plasma  sources, pulsed
                                                                neutron  source,  high  dose  radiation  source  and  materials
               At  the  end  of  the  Bachelor  of  Science  (Materials Science),  testing laboratory.
               graduates are able to:
                                                                Research  topics  currently  active  in  the  Physics  Department
               1.  Master  the  basic  knowledge  of  Materials  Science  and  includes:
               2.  Apply  practical  skills  in  Materials  Science  and  correlate  1. Studies  on  polymer  electrolyte  for  lithium  air  proton
                   the findings with the concept of Materials Science.  batteries.
               3.  Demonstrate skills and social responsibility in the practice  2. Studies  on  alkaline  solid  polymer  electrolyte  and
                   of Materials Science                            mechanically  alloyed  polycrystalline  Mg2Ni  for  metal
               4.  Practice  of  ethics  and  professionalism  as  a  Materials  hydride-air batteries.
                   Scientists                                   3. Studies on silicone-acrylic paints.
               5.  Communicate  effectively  and  be  able  to  work  4. Fast pulsed capillary discharge as coherent XUV and soft
                   independently or in teams                       x-ray source.
               6.  Use scientific skills in problem solving related to Materials  5. Digital holography and speckle pattern interferometry.
                   Science                                      6. Development and applications of vacuum UV excimer laser
               7.  Manage information and personal self development and  and high power industrial CO2 laser systems.
                   professional life                            7. Development  of  nano-ribbons  as  thermo  luminescence
               8.  Using  the  experience  and  knowledge  of  Materials  dosimeters.
                   Science  to  explore  opportunities  in  the  world  of  8. Use of Ge-doped optical fibre as radiation dosimeter.
                   entrepreneurship.                            9. Study  of  naturally  occurring  and  technically  enhanced
                                                                   naturally occurring radioactive materials.
                                                                10. Particle  production  from  high-energy  electron –proton
               AREAS OF RESEARCH                                   collision (ZEUS collaboration  at the HERA accelerator in
                                                                   DESY, Germany).
               There are six research centres in the Department of Physics  11. Study  on  high  Q refraction,  resonance  and  decay  of
               1  Centre for Theoretical Physics (CTP)          12. Mechanical studies of polymer based on polyurethane.
               2  Low Dimensional Materials Research Centre (LDMRC)  13. Design and characterization of super-capacitors.
               3  Centre For Ionics University of Malaya (CIUM)  14. Studies on composite materials.
               4  Plasma Technology Research Centre (PTRC)      15. Fabrication of fused couplers, fibre Bragg gratings.
               5  Photonics Research Centre (PRC)               16. Developing  optical  fibre  preform  and  planar  waveguides
               6  Quantum Science Center (QSC)                     devices.
                                                                17. C-band and L-band erbium-doped fibre amplifiers.
               and sixteen core areas:                          18. Plasma focus as pulsed radiation source.
                                                                19. Pulsed exploding wire for syntheses of nanoparticles.
               1. Applied Materials                             20. RF ICP and AC capacitively coupled plasma sources and
               2. Space Physics                                    applications.
               3. Solid-State Physics                           21. Electronic  and  electro-optical  proper-ties  of  silicon  and
               4. Microprocessor and Computational Physics         carbon based materials.
               5. Theoretical Physics                           22. Organic light emitting device.
               6. Elementary Particle Physics                   23. Solar devices based on organic semiconducting materials.
               7. Corrosion and Coatings                        24. Astronomical photometry and spectroscopy.
               8. Magnetic Devices and Instrumentation          25. Visibility study of a young crescent moon.
               9. Applied Optics and High Temperature Density Physics  26. Adaptive optics.
               10. Materials Science and Polymer Physics        27. Nuclear reaction rates in astrophysics.
               11. Applied Radiation                            28. Condensed matter physics study of glasses.
               12. Radio astronomy                              29. Stellar and neutrino astrophysics.
               13. Optical Astronomy                            30. Experimental Fabrication Techniques in Materials Science.

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