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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Ordinary differential equations: separable equations; linear first-order  Medium of Instruction:
               equations; second-order linear equations.        English
               Assessment Method:                               Soft-skills:
               Final Examination:     60%                       CS2, CTPS3, LL1
               Continuous Assessment:  40%
               Medium of Instruction:                           1.  Daniel V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Thermal Physics (Pearson
               English                                             Education, Limited, 2013)
                                                                2.  S.J. Blundell & K.M. Blundell, Concepts in Thermal Physics, 2nd
               Soft-skills:                                        ed. (Oxford, 2012)
               CS2, CTPS1, CTPS2, LL1                           3.  David  Goodstein,  Thermal  Physics:  Energy  and  Entropy
                                                                   (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
               1.  K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson, Essential Mathematical Methods for the  SIF1004 MODERN PHYSICS (2 CREDITS)
                  Physical Sciences (Cambridge University Press, 2011)  Special  theory  of relativity:  Galileo-Newtonian  relativity,  Michelson-
               2.  G.B. Arfken, H.J. Weber, Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A  Morley  experiment,  Special  theory  of  relativity  postulates;    Lorentz
                  Comprehensive Guide, 7th Edition (Elsevier Acad. Press, 2012)  transformation,  Lorentz  contraction,  time  dilation  Relativity  of  Mass,
               3.  G. N. Felder, K. M. Felder, Mathematical Methods in Engineering  Momentum  and  Energy,  4-vector  time-position:  4-vector,  velocity 4-
                  and Physics (John Wiley & Sons, 2015)         vector, momentum 4-vector and momentum–energy.
                                                                Quantum  Theory:  The  need  for  quantum  theory,  Duality  of  Particle-
               SIF1002 VIBRATIONS AND WAVES (2 CREDITS)         Wave,  Wave  Function,  Heisenberg  uncertainty,  Time  independent
               Sinusoidal  vibrations:  Description  of  simple  harmonic  motion,  The  Schrodinger equation, Examples in 1-D: zero free particle and infinite
               rotating-vector representation, Rotating vectors and complex numbers,  square well potential.
               Complex  exponential  in  waves,  Superposed  vibrations  in  one  Atomic matter: summary of atomic structure and the physics of periodic
               dimension, Two superposed vibrations of equal frequency.  table, Types of Atomic Bonding, Van de Waals bond, X-ray spectrum
               Superposed vibrations of different frequency: beats, Many superposed  and  atomic  number,  Crystal  structures,  basic  concept  of  phonons  ,
               vibrations of the same frequency, Combination of two vibrations at right  Introduction  to  electron  conduction  in conductor,  semiconductor  and
               angles, Perpendicular motions with equal frequencies.  insulator.
               Perpendicular  motions  with  different  frequencies:  Lissajous  figures,  Nuclear  Physics  and  Radioactivity:  Structure  and  characteristics  of
               Free vibrations of physical systems; basic mass-string problem, Solving  nucleus,  binding  energy,  Nuclear  forces.  Radioactivity,  Conservation
               the harmonic oscillator equation using complex exponentials, Damped  Laws, Q-value, natural Radioactivity Series, Nuclear reactions, nuclear
               oscillations,  Forced  vibrations  and  resonance,  Undamped  oscillator  reactor and technology.
               with  harmonic  forcing,  Complex  exponential  method  for  forced  Particle physics:  Elementary particles and forces.
               oscillations,  Forced  oscillations  with  damping,  transient  phenomena,  Cosmology  and  astrophysics:    Introduction  to  Big-Bang  theory,
               Power absorbed by a driven oscillator.           structure and evolution of stars and galaxies.
               Coupled  oscillators  and  normal  modes:  Two  coupled  pendulums,
               Superposition  of  normal  modes,  Normal  frequencies - general  Assessment Method:
               analytical approach, Forced vibration and resonance for two coupled  Final Examination:  60%
               oscillators.                                     Continuous Assessment:  40%
               Progressive waves:  what  is  a  wave? Normal  modes  and  travelling
               waves,  Progressive  waves  in  one  direction,  Superposition  of  wave  Medium of Instruction:
               pulses.                                          English
               Dispersion: phase and group velocities
               Assessment Method:                               CS2, CTPS2, LL1
               Final Examination:     60%
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      References:
                                                                1.  K. Krane, Modern Physics, 3rd ed. (Wiley, 2012)
               Medium of Instruction:                           2.  J. Morrison, Modern Physics: for Scientists and Engineers, 2 ed.
               English                                             (Academic Press, 2015)
                                                                3.  P Amore, JD Walecka, Introduction to Modern Physics: Solutions
               Soft-skills:                                        to Problems (World Scientific, 2013)
               CTPS2, LL1
                                                                SIF1005 ELECTRONICS I (2 CREDITS)
               References:                                      Circuit Theory: Kirchhoff’s law, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem,
               1.  H.J.  Pain,  The  Physics  of  Vibrations  &  Waves,  6th  ed.  (Wiley,  Ohm’s law, circuit analysis technique, impedance matching.
                  Chichester, 2013)                             Semiconductor  Diodes:  Properties  of semiconductor,  pn  junction,
               2.  G.C. King, Vibrations and Waves, 2 ed. (Wiley, 2013)  forward and reverse bias conditions, basic energy band diagrams, the
               3. H.  J.  Pain,  P.  Rankin,  Introduction  to  Vibrations  and  Waves  current-voltage  characteristics  and  simple  diode  circuits;  the  use  of
                  (Wiley, 2015)                                 diodes in power supply circuits: half-wave, full-wave, bridge rectifiers;
                                                                transformer,  capacitor-input  and  choke-input  filters,  special  diodes–
               SIF1003 THERMAL PHYSICS (2 CREDITS)              Zener diode, voltage regulators.
               Temperature,   heat   conduction,   diffusion;   Zeroth   law   of  Bipolar junction Transistor (BJT): Characteristics of transistor, simple
               thermodynamics;  PVT  system,  Ideal  gas,  van  der  Waal  gas;  Work,  transistor circuit, current and voltage gain, load line concept, biasing
               heat, internal energy; First, Second and Third  laws of thermodynamics;  requirements, D.C analysis of the circuits and A.C analysis of the BJT
               Entropy, enthalpy, thermodynamic potentials; Phase transition, phase  circuit.
               diagrams; Kinetic theory for ideal gas; Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution;
               Real gas, black body radiation, Stefan's law; Equipartition of energy,  Assessment Method:
               Partition function; Introduction to statistical mechanics; Basic statistics  Final Examination:  60%
               for thermodynamics.                              Continuous Assessment:  40%

               Assessment Method:                               Medium of Instruction:
               Final Examination:     60%                       English
               Continuous Assessment:  40%

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