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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Assessment Method:
               Final Examination:     60%                       LEVEL 3
               Continuous Assessment:  40%
               Medium of Instruction:                           SIF3001 NUCLEAR PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
                                                                Nuclear  structure  and  properties,  Nuclear  scattering,  Nuclear  force
                                                                and  force  exchange,  Nuclear  decays,  isospin,  Nuclear  reactions,
               Soft-skills:                                     fission and fusion, Nuclear reactions in astrophysics.
               CS3, CTPS3
                                                                Assessment Method:
               References:                                      Final Examination:     60%
                                                                Continuous Assessment:
               1.  Yoshimura,  Nagamitsu,  Vacuum  Technology:  Practice  for
                  Scientific Instruments 2008 edition (Springer, 2014)
               2.  Mauro  Sardela,  Practical  Materials  Characterization, (Springer,  Medium of Instruction:
                  2014)                                         English
               3.  Dominique  Placko, Fundamentals  of  Instrumentation  and  Soft-skills:
                  Measurement (ISTE Ltd, 2007)
                                                                CS2, CTPS3, LL2
               SIF2009 ELECTRONICS PRACTICAL (2 CREDIT)         References:
               Electronic  experiments  which  cover  the  topics  diode,  rectification,  1.  J.  Liley,  Nuclear  Physics:  Principles  and  Applications  (Wiley,
               transistor, amplifier, digital electronic and others.
                                                                2.  Raymond  Murray,  Keith E.  Holbert,  Nuclear  Energy:  An
               Assessment Method:                                  Introduction  to  the  Concepts,  Systems,  and  Applications  of
                                                                   Nuclear Processes (Elsivier, 2015)
               Final Examination:     0%
               Continuous Assessment:  100%                     3.  C. Iliadis, Nuclear Physics of the Stars (Wiley, 2015)
                                                                SIF3002 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
               Medium of Instruction:                           Electron spin, Anomalous Zeeman & Paschen Back;
                                                                Magnetic moment of electron - Spin orbital interaction & Fine structure;
               Soft-skills:                                     Magnetic moment of nucleus - Hyperfine structure;
               CS3, CTPS3, TS2, EM2                             Addition of angular momenta; Relativistic effects;
                                                                Fine structure; Indistinguishable particles & Pauli Exclusion Principle;
               References:                                      Helium  atom; Multi  electron  atom;  alkali  atom;  Coupling  of  angular
                                                                momenta - LS & jj; Periodic table and Hund's rule; Hyperfine structure;
               1.  Experimental manual
               2.  R.  Boylestad  &  L.  Nashelsky,  Electronic  Devices  and  Circuit  Atomic  spectra  &  spectroscopy;  Time  dependent  perturbation theory
                  Theory, (Pearson Education, 2013),            and  Fermi  golden  rule;  Absorption,  spontaneous  and  stimulated
               3.  A.P.  Malvino  &  D.  Bates,  Electronic  Principles  (McGraw-Hill  emissions;  Selection  rules  and Transition  rate;  Natural  linewidth  &
                                                                inhomogenous  broadening;  Einstein  coefficient  A  and  B;  Diatomic
                  Education, 2015)                              molecules - Hamiltonian, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, molecular
               4.  T.  L.  Floyd  &  D.  Buchla,  Electronics  Fundamentals:  Circuits,  potential,  vibrational  energy,  rotational  energy;  vibrational  transition,
                  Devices, and Applications(Pearson, 2010)      vibronic transition and Frank-Condon principle, molecular spectra.
               SIF2010 PHYSICS PRACTICAL II (2 CREDITS)         Assessment Method:
               Practical  classes  for  experiments  in  fundamental  physics  on  topics  Final Examination:  60%
               including electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, optics, spectroscopy  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               and others.
               Assessment Method:                               Medium of Instruction:
               Continuous Assessment:  100%                     English
               Medium of Instruction:                           CS2, CTPS3, LL2
               Soft-skills:                                     References:
               CS3, CTPS3, LL2, TS2                             1.  W. Demtröder, Atoms, Molecules, and Photons: an introduction to
                                                                   atomic-,  molecular-,  and  quantum-physics,  2nd  ed.    (Springer,
               References:                                      2.  2011)
                                                                   Vasant Natarajan, Modern Atomic Physics (CRC Press, 2015)
               1.  Experimental manual                          3.  Rajesh  Srivastava,  Rakesh  Choubisa,  Atomic  and  Molecular
               SIF2011 APPLIED PHYSICS PRACTICAL (4 CREDITS)       Physics: Introduction  to  Advanced  Topics (Narosa  Publishing,
               Applied  physics  experiments  covering  topics  in  Solid  State  Physics,
               Plasma  Physics,  Optics,  Radiation  Physics,  Materials  Science,  and  SIF3003 SOLID STATE PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
               Photonics.                                       Introduction to types of solids, structure of crystalline solids: periodicity,
               Assessment Method:                               lattice and unit cell, Bravais lattices, directions and planes in crystals,
               Continuous Assessment:  100%                     X-ray diffraction, diffraction techniques, reciprocal lattice, Brillouin zone,
                                                                bonding in solids, dynamics of monoatomic and diatomic lattices (1-D
               Medium of Instruction:                           and 3-D), density of states, dispersion of phonons, thermal properties:
                                                                specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, free and quantized electron
               English                                          models,  D.C.  conductivity  and  electron  dispersion,  band  theory  of
               Soft-skills:                                     solids:  Bloch  function,  Kronig-Penney  model,  band  theory  of  solids:
                                                                effective mass, density of states and concentration of electrons.
               CS3, CTPS3, LL2, TS1
               1.  Experimental manual

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