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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

                    DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY                      The  Department  has  established  cooperation  in  research
                                                               with  geoscientists,  universities  and  research  laboratories
                                                               from  developed  and  developing  countries  in  fields  of
               The  Department  of  Geology  is  the  oldest  Department  of
               Geology in the country. It was founded in Singapore in 1956  common  interest.  The  Department  also  has  good  rapport
               and relocated to The Kuala Lumpur Campus in 1960.  From  with  agencies  in  the  public  and  private  sector  in  activities
                                                               related to research and consultancy.
               its modest beginning with only 4 academic staff and 2 final-
               year  students  in  1962,  the  Department  has  expanded  and
               evolved in terms of staff, facilities and students in line with  Facilities
               the development of our nation and the increase in demand  The Department is equipped with a wide range of laboratory
               of  earth  science  graduates.  In  the  last  15  years,  the  and field facilities for both teaching and research purposes.
               Department produces about 50 graduates with Bachelor of  Facilities for the preparation of rock slabs, rock thin-sections
               Science  in Geology  and  Applied  Geology  (introduced  in  and polished sections are available and include rock saws of
               1968)  annually.  Presently there  are 18  academic staff  and  various  diameters  and  an  automatic  polishing.  Excellent
               21 support staff in the Department.             teaching  petrological,  reflected  and  transmitted  light
                                                               microscopes, as well as stereoscopes and a large reference
               Objectives                                      collection  of  topographic  and  geological  maps,  rocks,
               As  a  main  centre  for  earth  science  studies  in  a  rapidly  minerals  and  fossils  are  available  for  undergraduates  and
               developing  nation,  the  Department  is  aware  of  its  postgraduate students.
               responsibility  to  train  graduates  of  high  quality  in  terms  of  The Department of Geology has one of the most advanced
               academic  excellence  and  communication  skills.  The  organic geochemistry laboratory in Malaysia. The laboratory
               Department constantly reviews and introduces new relevant
               courses from time to time, to fulfil the requirements of both  is  equipped  with  state-of-the-art  facilities  such  as
               the public and private sectors.                 hydrocarbon  Source  Rock  Analyser  (SRA),  GC,  GC-MS,
                                                               Pyrolysis-GC,  ATR-FTIR  and  microscope  photometry
               Degree Programs                                 system.
               The  Department  of Geology  offers  two  undergraduate  Other  major  teaching  and  research  equipment  include
               degree  programs,  namely  Bachelor  of  Science  in  Geology  LiDAR  (Light  Detection  And  Ranging),  ICP  (Inductively
               and  Bachelor  of  Science  in  Applied  Geology  based  on  Coupled Plasma), XRD (X-ray Diffractometer), XRF (X-Ray
               semester system. This system provides students the chance  Flourescence  Spectro-meter),  AAS  (Atomic  Absorption
               to  complete  the  course  in  a  minimum  of  7  semesters.  Spectrometer),  gravity  meter,  seismograph,  magnetometer
               Students  who  apply  for  the  undergraduate  course  should  and  particle  size  analyser.  Macro- and  micro-photography
               have  some  background  in  Physics,  Chemistry  &  and  image  analysis  facilities  are  also  available  within  the
               Mathematics  in  the  STPM  level,  Matriculation  or  other  Department.
               equivalent  qualification.  The  medium  of  instruction  is
               English.                                        A  well-equipped  computer  laboratory  with  internet  support,
                                                               complete  with  geological  and  geophysical  modelling
               The  Department  has  an  excellent  program  of research  software are also available for students who are encouraged
               training leading to a Master of Science (MSc) or a Doctor of  to use computer techniques for analysis of their data. There
               Philosophy  (PhD)  Degree.  These  postgraduate  programs  is also a workstation laboratory with softwares for geological,
               are  based  on  supervised  research  and  preparation  of  geophysical, petrophysical, structural and reservoir analysis,
               dissertation. The Department also offers Master of Science  modeling, visualization and simulation, that are widely used
               in Petroleum Geology by coursework. For admission to the  in the industry.
               Masters  degree  program,  the  candidate  must  possess  a
               Bachelor of Science degree with Honours, while for the PhD  The  Department  library,  known  as  the  Klompe  Reading
               program the candidate must possess a Master’s degree.  Room,  is  well  stocked  with  a  wide  variety  of  recent
                                                               geological books and literature and has access to the Main
               Academic and Research Activities                Library of the University which has the largest collection of
               The staff of the Department are actively involved in studies  books and journals in the region.
               and research in all aspects of geosciences in Malaysia. To
               fulfil the needs of the private sectors, research on economic  Career Opportunities
               mineral  deposits,  engineering  and  environmental  geology,  In our rapidly developing nation, graduates in geology have
               and  aspects  related  to  petroleum  exploration  have  been  excellent  career  opportunities.  Graduates  from  the
               emphasised.    Publications  by  the  academic  staff  have  Department have excelled in their career in both the public
               contributed  significantly  to  understanding  of  general  and  private  sectors,  in  various  fields  such  as  academic,
               geology,  mineralogy,  petrology,  geophysics,  stratigraphy,  mining,  petroleum  industry,  engineering  geology  and  the
               palaeontology,  sedimentology,  structural  geology  and  construction  sector.  There  is  an  increase  in  demand  for
               tectonics of Malaysia and the region.           geology graduates. Expertise in geology is also required in
                                                               the  construction  of  infrastructures,  the  chemical  industries,
               The  staff  of  the  Department  are  actively  involved  in  the  mitigation of natural hazards and environmental monitoring.
               promotion and advancement of geosciences in Malaysia and
               the  South-East  Asia  countries  through  cooperation  and  ACADEMIC STAFF
               linkages with various organisations such as the Minerals and
               Geoscience Department of Malaysia, Geological Society of  HEAD:
               Malaysia,   AGID   (Association   of   Geoscientists   for  Dr. Azman Abdul Ghani, BSc (Mal), PhD (Liverpool).
               International  Development),  IUGS  (International  Union  of  Mineralogy, Igneous Petrology.
               Geological  Sciences),  AAPG  (American  Association  of
               Petroleum  Geologists),  UNESCO,  and  PETRONAS.
               Members  of  the  Department  have  played  important  and  PROFESSOR:
               pioneering roles in organising activities that are beneficial to  Profesor Dr. Ismail Yusoff, BSc (Mal), MSc (Norwich), PhD
               the  nation  and  region,  such  as  organising  conferences,  (Norwich) Hydrogeology.
               training courses and field work.                Dr. Wan Hasiah Abdullah, BSc (Mal), MSc, PhD
                                                                  (Newcastle). Petroleum Geochemistry, Coal Petrology.
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