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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               5. Sharp,  Z.  (2006).  Principles  of  Stable  Isotope  7.  Flores,  R.M.  (2013).  Coal  and  Coalbed  Gas:  Fueling
                  Geochemistry.  Prentice-Hall,  360  pp.  ISBN-13:  978-  the Future Hardcover. Elsevier.
               6. White, W.M. (2013). Geochemistry. Wiley-Blackwell 668  SIG2005 GEOLOGICAL FIELD COURSE
                  pp. ISBN-13: 978-0470656686.
               7. White,  W.M.  (2015).  Isotope  Geochemistry.  Wiley-  Principles  and  techniques  of  preparing  geological  maps,
                  Blackwell, 496 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0470656709.  including field methods and the interpretation of topographic
                                                               maps  and  remote  sensing  imagery.    The  course  also
                                                               involves a total of some four weeks of fieldwork.
               SIG2003 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY I
                                                               Assessment Methods:
               Assessment Methods:                             Continuous assessment  : 100%
               Continuous assessment  : 40%
               Examination           : 60%                     Medium of Instruction:
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                         Soft Skills:
                                                               CS4, CT4, TS3, LL3, LS2, KK1, EM2
               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS2                    References:
                                                               1. Lisle, R.J., Brabham, P. and Barnes, J.W. (2011). Basic
               References:                                        Geological Mapping, 5th Edition. John Wiley & Sons
               1.  Hatcher,  R.D.,  Jr.  (1995).    Structural  Geology.  2. Barnes, J. (1991): Basic Geological Mapping. Geol. Soc.
                   Principals, concepts, and problems 2 nd  Ed.  New York,  London Handbook Series. 118p.
                   Prentice Hall.                              3. McClay,K.  (1994)  :  Mapping  of  Geological  Structures.
               2.  Park,  R.G.  (1989). Foundation  of  structural  geology.  Geol. Soc. London Handbook Series. 161p
                   2 Ed.  Blackie.                             4. Lattman, L.H. & Ray, R.G. (1965): Aerial Photographs In
               3.  Davis,  G.H.  and  Reynolds  S.J.  (2001).    Structural  Field Geology, Hott, Rinehart & Winston, N. York. 221p.
                   geology of rocks and regions (3 Ed.  New York, John
                   Wiley & Sons.
               4.  Van  der  Pluijm,  B.A.  &  Marshak,  S.,  (2003). Earth  SIG2006 BASIC PALEONTOLOGY
                   Structure:   An   Introduction   to   Structural
                   Geology and Tectonics. WCB/McGraw-Hill.     Study  of  invertebrate  macrofossils,  trace  fossils,  and  plant
               5.  Rowland,  S.M.,  Duebendorfer,  E.M.  &  Schiefelbein,  fossils  in  terms  of  morphology,  taxonomy,  palaeoecology,
                   I.M.,  (2007). Structural  Analysis  and  Synthesis.  A  biostratigraphy, evolution and palaeobiogeography.
                   Laboratory  Course  in  Structural  Geology.  Blackwell  Assessment Methods:
                   Publ.                                       Continuous assessment  : 40%
                                                               Examination          : 60%
               SIG2004 SEDIMENTOLOGY                           Medium of Instruction:
               The  study  of  processes  of  formation,  transport  and
               deposition of material which accumulates as sediment and  Soft Skills:
               eventually forms sedimentary rocks. The course covers the  CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2
               physical,  chemical  and  biological  processes  that  result  in
               sediment transport, deposition, precipitation and lithification.  References:
               The  course  also  teaches  the  skill  of  interpreting  ancient  1.  Doyle, P. (1996) Understanding Fossils. Wiley & Sons,
               depositional history using sedimentological techniques.  Chichester, 409 pp.
                                                               2.  Clarkson, E.N.K. (1998) Invertebrate Palaeontology
               Assessment Methods:                                and Evolution (4 Ed.). Blackwell Science, Oxford. 452
               Continuous assessment  : 40%                       pp.
               Examination           : 60%                     3.  Benton,M. (1997). Basic Palaeontology. Longman,
                                                                  Hong Kong. 342 pp.
               Medium of Instruction:
                                                               SIG2007 INTRODUCTION TO GEOPHYSICS
               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CT4, TS2, LL3, LS2, EM2                    Theory  of  geophysical  methods  (seismic  gravity  magnetic
                                                               and  electrical).  Data  acquisition  and  reduction  of  data.
               References:                                     Problems  in  data  acquisition  and  reduction.  Sources  of
               1.  Nichols,  G.  (2009).  Sedimentology  and  Stratigraphy  geophysical  anomalies.  Analysis  and  interpretation  of
                   Second Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 432p.      anomalies  and  modeling.  Application  in  exploration  and
               2.  Reading,  H.G.  (1996).  Sedimentary  Environments:  industries.
                   Processes,   Facies   and   Stratigraphy.   Blackwell
                   Science, 688p.                              Assessment Methods:
               3.  James, N.P. & Dalrymple, R.W. (2010). Facies Models.  Continuous assessment  : 40%
                   Geological Association of Canada, 586p.     Examination          : 60%
               4.  Scholle,  P.A.,  Ulmer-Scholle,  D.S.  (2003). A  Color
                   Guide to the                                Medium of Instruction:
               5.  Petrography  of  Carbonate  Rocks:  Grains,  Textures,  English
                   Porosity, Diagenesis. AAPG Memoir 77, 474p.
               6.  Flügel,  E.  (2004).  Microfacies  of  Carbonate  Rocks:  Soft Skills:
                   Analysis,      Interpretation  and  Application.  Springer,  CS3, CT3, TS-TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2

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