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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

                   Developments  in  Petroleum  Science  61,  Elsevier,  biosphere  and  hydrosphere  and  the  significance  of  these
                   Amsterdam, 688 p.                           events.   Introduction   to   Archean,   Proterozoic   and
               8.  Tearpock,  D.J.  and  Bischke,  R.E.,  2003,  Applied  Phanerozoic  sequences  and  their  inferences  about  the
                   Subsurface  Geological  Mapping  with  Structural  conditions  of  the  Earth,  the  changing  paleogeography  and
                   Methods, 2nd Edition: Prentice-Hall, Saddle River, New  the  events  that  occurred  during  the  respective geologic
                   Jersey, 822 p.                              times.
                                                               Assessment Methods:
               SIG3009 ORGANIC PETROLOGY                       Continuous assessment  : 40%
                                                               Examination          : 60%
               Study  of  organic  matter  from  the  perspective  of
               sedimentology  and  petroleum  geology  which  include  coal  Medium of Instruction:
               formation,  petrographic  composition  of  coal,  origin  of  English
               macerals,  correlation  of  coal  facies  with  depositional
               environment,  coalification  process,  vitrinite  reflectance  Soft Skills:
               analysis  and  kerogen  typing.  Applications  in  petroleum  CS3, CT4, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2
               exploration and coal-related industries.
               Assessment Methods:                             References:
               Continuous assessment  : 40%                    1.  Tjia,  H.D.  (1990).  Tektonik.    Univ. Kebangsaan
               Examination           : 60%                        Malaysia
                                                               2.  Park,  R.G.,  (1993). Geological  structures  and  moving
               Medium of Instruction:                             plates.  Blackie Academic & Professional.
               English                                         3.  John  J.W.  Rogers,  (1993). A  history  of  the  earth.
                                                                  Cambridge University Press.
               Soft Skills:                                    4.  Read H.H. & Watson, J. (1975). Earth History.  Vols 1
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2                       & 2.  Macmillan Press.
                                                               5.  Kearey, P., Klepeis, K.A. and Vine, F.J, (2009). Global
               References:                                        Tectonics,  3rd  Edition.  February  2009,  ©2009,  Wiley-
               1.  Flores, R.M. (2013). Coal and coalbed gas fueling the  Blackwell.
                   future. Elsevier.                           6.  Frisch,  W.,  Meschede,  M.  and  Blakey,  R.C.  (2010).
               2.  Taylor, G.H., Teichmuller, M., Davis, A. Diessel, C.F.K.,  Plate  Tectonics:  Continental  Drift  and  Mountain
                   Littke,P.  (1998).  Organic    Petrology,  Gebruder  Building Hardcover, December 22, 2010.
                   Borntraeger, Berlin & Stuttgart.
               3.  Diessel,  C.F.K.  (1992).  Coal-bearing  depositional
                   systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.           SIG3012 ADVANCED IGNEOUS PETROLOGY
               4.  Stach, E., Mackowsky, M. Th., Teichmuller, M., Taylor,
                   G.H., Chandar, D. and Teichmuller, R. (1982). Stach's  Microscopic examination and interpretation of igneous rock.
                   Textbook  of  coal  petrology,  3 rd  edition.      Gebruder  Interpretation of geochemical variation diagram. Generation
                   Borntraeger, Berlin.                        of  magma  in  the  earth  crust  and  mantle.  Petrogenesis  of
                                                               basaltic and granitic rocks.
               SIG3010  STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY II
                                                               Assessment Methods:
               Assessment Methods:                             Continuous assessment  : 40%
               Continuous assessment  : 40%                    Examination          : 60%
               Examination           : 60%
                                                               Medium of Instruction:
               Medium of Instruction:                          English
                                                               Soft Skills:
               Soft Skills:                                    CS3, CT3, TS2, LL3, LS2, EM2
               CS3, CT3, LL2, EM2
               References:                                     1.  Shelly,  D.  (1992).  Igneous  and  metamorphic  rocks
               1. Passchier, C.W. & Trouw, C.W. (2005). Microtectonics.  under   microscope:   classification,   textures,
                  Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 289 p.                 microtextures  and  mineral  preferred  orientation.
               2. Snoke, A.W., Tullis, J & Todd, V.R. (1998) Fault-related  Chapman & Hall.
                  Rocks.  A  Photographic  Atlas.  Princeton  Univ.  Press,  2.  Rollinson,  H.  R.  (1993).  Using  geochemical  data:
                  New Jersey, 617 p.                              evaluation, presentation and interpretation. Longman.
               3. Passchier, C.W., Trouw, C.W. & Wiersma, D.J. (2010).  3.  Cox, K. G., Bell, J. D. and Pankhurst, R. J. (1979). The
                  Atlas  of  Mylonites-  and  related  microstructures.  interpretation  of  igneous  rocks.  George  Allen  and
                  Springer-Verlag, 322 p.                         Unwin, London.
               4. Fossen,  H.  (2010)  Structural  Geology.  Cambridge  4.  Winter,  J.D.,  2011.  Principles  of  Igneous  and
                  University  Press.                              Metamorphic Petrology. Pearson Education Limited.
                                                               5.  Gill,  R.,  2010.  Igneous  Rocks  and  Processes:  A
               SIG3011 TECTONICS AND HISTORY OF THE EARTH         Practical Handbook. Wiley Blackwell..
               Introduction to Geotectonic and theory of Plate Tectonic. To  SIG3013 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
               study the lithosphere, its composition and characteristics as
               well as the processes that occurred on it.  To examine the  Industrial  training  is  the  course  designed  for  the B.Sc.
               tectonic regime (extension, compression and strike-slip) and  (Applied  Geology).    Student  is  required  to  follow  the
               the associated subaerial and submarine regional structures  industrial  training  program  for  a  minimum  of  2  weeks.
               that developed on the lithosphere. Synthesis of geological,  Industrial training must be related to geology and the student
               geophysical and oceanographic data related to the structural  is  required  to  prepare  a  presentation  and  a  report  for
               patterns  and  evolutionary  trends  of  the  earth’s  crust.  evaluation.      The  training  program  will  be  briefed  by  the
               Evolution  of  the  earth,  its  atmosphere,  lithosphere,  industrial training program supervisor.
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