Page 268 - handbook 20162017
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017
Assessment Methods: Medium of Instruction:
Continuous assessment : 100% English
Medium of Instruction: Soft Skills:
English CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2
Soft Skills: References:
CS6, CT5, TS3, LL3, KK2, EM2, LS2 1. Sheriff, R.E. and Geldart, L.P. (1995). Exploration
Seismology. (2nd. Ed.). Cambridge University Press.
2. Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P. and Sheriff, R.E. (1990).
SIG3014 ADVANCED PALEONTOLOGY Applied Geophysics (2nd.Ed.) Cambridge University
Advanced paleontological topics such as evolution, 3. Mark E. Everett. Near-Surface Applied Geophysics.,
speciation, taxonomy and mass extinction. Vertebrate ISBN: 9781107018778
paleontology of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and 4. E. Onajite (2013) Seismic Data Analysis Techniques in
mammals. HydrocarbonExploration.Hardcover.
Introduction to Foraminifera, Conodonta, Ostracoda and 5. Matt Hall (2012). 52 Things You Should Know About
Radiolaria. Biostratigraphy and the evolution of these Geophysics. Paperback.
Continuous assessment : 40% GEOCHEMISTRY
Examination : 60%
The characteristics of ecosystem, hydrocarbons (soil and
Medium of Instruction: groundwater), chemical speviation, bioavailability, risk
English management/assessment, remediation, environmental
geochemistry, geochemical prospecting and mineral
Soft Skills: exploration.
CS3, CT3, TS2, LL3, LS2, EM2
Assessment Methods:
References: Continuous assessment : 40%
1. Benton, M.J. (2000). Vertebrate Palaeontology. Examination : 60%
Backwell Science U.K. 452 pp.
2. Montgomery, C.W. & Dathe, D. (1994). Earth Then and Medium of Instruction:
Now. W.C. Brown Publishers, U.S.A. 568 pp. English
3. Cowen, R. (2000). History of Life (3 rd Ed). Blackwell
Science, U.S.A. 432 pp. Soft Skills:
4. Brasier, M.D. (1981) Microfossils. George Allen & CS4, CT5, TS3, LL3, LS2, EM2, KK1
5. Haq, B.U. & Boersma, A. (1978) Introduction to marine References:
micropaleontology. Elsevier. 1. Pepper, I.L., Gerba, C.P. & Brusseau, M.L. (1996).
Pollution Science, Academic Press. 397 p
2. Rose, A.W., Hawkes H.E. (1979): Geochemistry in
SIG3015 SPECIAL TOPICS IN GEOLOGY Mineral Exploration, Academi Press. 657 p
3. Foerstner, U. & Wittmann, G.T.W. (1979). Metal
A suitable topic in geology needs to be selected under pollution in the Aquatic Environment, Springer
supervision of a lecturer. Research on that topic has to be 4. Sengupta, M. (1992). Environmental Impacts of Mining;
completed in 1 semester. The findings have to be presented Monitoring, Restoration and Control, Lewis
orally and a complete report has to be submitted. 5. Moon, C.J., Whateley, M.E.G. and Evans, A.M. (2006).
Introduction to mineral exploration. 2 nd edition,
Assessment Methods: Blackwell Publishing, 481 p.
Continuous assessment : 100% 6. Marjoribanks, R. (2010). Geological methods in Mineral
Exploration and Mining. 2 edition, Springer, 238 p.
Medium of Instruction:
Soft Skills: METHOD
CS3, CT3, LL2, LS2, EM2
Theory of Seismic Refraction and Electrical Method. Data
References: acquisition and reduction of data. Problems in data
Geological journals and internet acquisition and reduction. Sources of Seismic Refraction
and Electrical Method anomaly. Analysis and interpretation
SII3001 GRAVITY AND MAGNETIC METHODS and modeling. Application in exploration and industries.
Theory of gravity and magnetic methods. Data acquisition Assessment Methods:
and reduction of data. Problems in data acquisition and Continuous assessment : 40%
reduction. Sources of gravity and magnetic field. Analysis Examination : 60%
and interpretation of anomalies and modeling. Application in
exploration and industries. Medium of Instruction:
Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment : 40% Soft Skills:
Examination : 60% CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2