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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               References:                                     Assessment Methods:
               1. Sheriff,  R.E.  and  Geldart,  L.P.  (1995).  Exploration  Continuous assessment  : 40%
                  Seismology. (2nd. Ed.). Cambridge University Press.  Examination  : 60%
               2. Telford,  W.M.,  Geldart,  L.P.  and  Sheriff,  R.E.  (1990).
                  Applied  Geophysics  (2nd.Ed.)  Cambridge  University  Medium of Instruction:
                  Press.                                       English
               3. Mark  E.  Everett.  Near-Surface  Applied  Geophysics.,
                  ISBN: 9781107018778                          Soft Skills:
               4. E. Onajite (2013) Seismic Data Analysis Techniques in  CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2
               5. Matt  Hall  (2012).  52  Things  You  Should  Know  About  References:
                  Geophysics. Paperback.                       1.  Bell F.G. (2007) Engineering Geology. Second Edition,
                                                                  London, Elsevier, 581 p.
                                                               2.  Johnson  R.B.  &  de  Graff  J.V.  (1988)  Principles  of
               SII3004 INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT                      Engineering Geology. John Wiley & Sons.
                                                               3.  Smith,  M.R.  &  Collis,  L.  (eds.)  (2001).  Aggregates.
               Student is required to follow the industrial training program  Sand,  gravel  and  crushed  rock  aggregates  for
               for 14 weeks.  Industrial training must be related to geology  construction  purposes.  3 rd  Edition.  Geological  Society
               and the student is required to prepare a presentation and a  of London Engineering Geology Special Publication 17,
               report for evaluation.   The training program will be briefed  340 p.
               by the industrial training program supervisor.  4.  Blyth, F.G.H. & de Freitas, M.H. (1984). A Geology for
                                                                  Engineers. 7 Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 348 p.
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment  : 40%
               Examination           : 60%
                                                               SII3007 SEISMIC REFLECTION AND BOREHOLE
               Medium of Instruction:                                GEOPHYSICS
                                                               Theory  of  seismic  reflection.  Data  acquisition  and
               Soft Skills:                                    processing  of  reflection  seismic.  Problems  in  data
               CS6, CT5, TS3, LL3, KK2, EM2, LS2               acquisition  and  reduction.    Basic  of  borehole  geophysics.
               References:                                     Application in exploration.
               1.  Geology book
               2.  Journals                                    Assessment Methods:
               3.  Memoirs and  Report,  Department  of  Minerals and  Continuous assessment  : 40%
                   Goescience, Malaysia.                       Examination          : 60%
                                                               Medium of Instruction:
               SII3005 PRACTICAL GEOHYDROLOGY                  English
               Laboratory  and field  methods  in  geohydology  including  Soft Skills:
               the    aspects    of    quality,  quantity    and    modelling    of  CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS2
               subsurface    water  will    be    introduced.  Selected    local
               geohydrological  case study  will be  carried out. Discussion  References:
               on  sampling  procedures  and  course assessment.  1.  Sheriff,  R.E.  and  Geldart,  L.P.  (1995).  Exploration
                                                                  Seismology. (2nd. Ed.). Cambridge University Press.
               Assessment Methods:                             2.  Telford,  W.M.,  Geldart,  L.P.  and  Sheriff,  R.E.  (1990).
               Continuous assessment  : 40%                       Applied  Geophysics  (2nd.Ed.)  Cambridge  University
               Examination           : 60%                        Press.
                                                               3.  Robinson  and  Coruh  (1988).  Basic  Exploration
               Medium of Instruction:                             Geophysics. John Wiley and Son
               Soft Skills:                                    SII3008     SPECIAL TOPICS IN APPLIED GEOLOGY
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2
                                                               A  suitable  topic  in  applied  geology  needs  to  be  selected
               References:                                     under supervision of a lecturer. Research on that topic has
               1.  Fetter, C.W. (1994).  Applied  Hydrogeology, Prentice  to  be  completed  in  1  semester.  The  findings  have  to  be
                   Hall, New Jersey.                           presented orally and a complete report has to be submitted.
               2.  Todd, D.K.  and  Mays  L.W.,  (2005).  Groundwater
                   Hydrology.(3rd Edition).  John Wliey & Sons, New York  Assessment Methods:
               3.  Domenico, P.A. & Schwartz, F.W. (1990). Physical and  Continuous assessment  : 100%
                   Chemical  Hydrogeology.  John  Wliey  &  Sons,
                   Singapore.                                  Medium of Instruction:
               SII3006 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY II                  Soft Skills:
                                                               CS3, CT3, LL2, LS2, EM2
               Description,  classification  and  characteristics  of  rock
               material,  rock  mass  and  aggregates.  Methods  of  References:
               engineering  geological site  investigation.  Geological  terrain  Journals and internet
               mapping  and  analysis.  Site  investigations  for  various
               engineering structures/works.

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