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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017
3. Natural Hazards. Jour. Int. Soc. for Prevention & 5. Abreu, V., Neal, J.E., Bohacs, K.M., Kalbas, J.L., 2010.
Mitigation of Natural Hazards. Springer. Sequence Stratigraphy of Siliciclastic Systems-The
ExxonMobil Methodology. SEPM Concepts in
Sedimentology and Paleontology 9.
Some 4 weeks of fieldwork in a specified area followed by SIG3007 GEOLOGY SOUTH-EAST ASIA
laboratory studies and submission of a Report containing a
geological map and cross-section as well as relevant Systematic learning of SE Asian regional geology,
illustrations and literature reviews. Prior to fieldwork, a distribution of geological resources, tectonic history through
project Proposal has to be submitted and approved. In some geological time, and the formation of today’s SE Asia.
cases, there can be laboratory based studies on a specific
geological problem or topic and submission of a Report Assessment Methods:
including appropriate illustrations, literature reviews and Continuous assessment : 40%
methodology. Prior to the laboratory work, a project Examination : 60%
Proposal needs to be submitted and approved. Results of
the field and/or laboratory based studies will be presented at Medium of Instruction:
an Initial Viva and Seminar, as well as defended at a Final English
Soft Skills:
Assessment Methods: CS3, CT3, LL3, KK1, EM3, LS2
Continuous assessment : 100%
Medium of Instruction: 1. Hall, R. and Blundell, D.J., 1996. Tectonic Evolution of
English Southeast Asia. Geol. Soc of Lond. Sp. Publ. no 106.
2. Hutchison, C.S. 2007. Geological Evolution of
Soft Skills: Southeast Asia. 2nd Ed. Geological Society of
CS4, CT4, TS3, LL3, EM2, LS2 Malaysia.
3. Hutchison, C.S. 2005. Geology of North-west Borneo.
References: Elsevier. 421pp.
1. Geology text book
2. Bulletin Geological Society of Malaysia & Warta
3. Memoirs and Annual Report of Department of Minerals
and Goescience, Malaysia. Description and discussion of the different elements and
4. Katz, M.J. (2009). From Research to manuscript: A processes that constitute the petroleum system. The
guide to scientific writing, 2nd ed.: Springer, 210 p. petroleum industry. Sedimentary basins and depositional
5. Ridley, D., (2008). The Literature Review: A step-by- systems. Characteristics of source rocks and reservoir
step guide for students: Sages Publications Ltd, 184 p. rocks. Subsurface mapping, methods, tools and
6. Barker, L., (2002). Planning and writing geological petrophysical evaluation in hydrocarbon exploration &
reports and dissertations, 2nd ed. Imperial College of production. Main hydrocarbon provinces and selected case
Science, Technology & Medicine, 32 p. studies.
Assessment Methods:
SIG3006 STRATIGRAPHIC METHODS Continuous assessment : 40%
Examination : 60%
Depth study of the principles of stratigraphy that affect
stratigraphic framework. The course involves the Medium of Instruction:
identification, classification and correlation of different types English
of stratigraphic units. Also included are methods of
correlation, facies changes, geologic history, litho, sequence Soft Skills:
stratigraphy and seismic stratigraphy. CS3, CT4, TS2, LL2, KK2, EM2, LS2
Assessment Methods: References:
Continuous assessment : 40% 1. Gluyas. J. and Swarbrick, R. (2004) Petroleum
Examination : 60% Geoscience. Blackwell Publishing, UK.
2. Ashcroft, W., 2011, A Petroleum Geologists Guide to
Medium of Instruction: Seismic
English Reflection: Wiley-Blackwell, 176 p.
3. Bjorlykke, K.,2011, Petroleum Geoscience: From
Soft Skills: Sedimentary
CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2 Environments to Rock Physics: Springer, 517 p.
4. Catuneanu, O., 2006, Principles of Sequence
References: Stratigraphy: Elsevier, Amsterdam, 375 p.
1. Posamentier, H.W. & Allen, G.P., 1999. Siliciclastic 5. Jahn, F., Cook, M., and Graham, M., 2008,
Sequence Stratigraphy: Concepts and Applications. Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production, 2nd Edition:
SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology No. 7, 204p. Developments in Petroleum Science 58, Elsevier,
2. Coe, A.L., Bosence, D.W.J., Church, K.D., Flint, S.S., Amsterdam, 444 p.
2003. The Sedimentary Record of Sea-Level Change. 6. Ryder, M., and Kennedy, M., 2011, The Geological
Cambridge University Press, 287p. Interpretation of Well Logs, Third Edition: Rider-French
3. Nichols, G., 2009. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Consulting Ltd.,432 p.
Second Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 432p. 7. Slatt, R.M., 2013, Stratigraphic Reservoir
4. Catuneanu, O., 2006. Principles of Sequence Characterization for Petroleum Geologists,
Stratigraphy. Elsevier, 387p. Geophysicists, and Engineers:, 2 nd Edition: