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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               References:                                     Assessment Methods:
               1.  W. M. Telford, L. P. Geldart, R. E. Sheriff (1990) Applied  Continuous assessment  : 40%
                  Geophysics. Cambridge University Press.      Examination          : 60%
               2. R.  E.  Sheriff,  L.  P.  Geldart  (1995).  Exploration
                  Seismology.                                  Medium of Instruction:
                  Cambridge University Press.                  English
               3.  Mark  E.  Everett.  Near-Surface  Applied  Geophysics.,
                  ISBN: 9781107018778                          Soft Skills:
               4.   E. Onajite (2013) Seismic Data Analysis Techniques in  CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS2
               5.   Matt Hall (2012). 52 Things You Should Know About  References:
                  Geophysics. Paperback.                       1.  Chang, K. (2013) Introduction to Geographic
                                                                  Information Systems. 7th Edition. McGraw Hill, Boston.
                                                               2.  Lo, C.P. & Yeung, A.K.W. (2007). Concepts and
               SIG2008 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY                      techniques of geographic information systems. 2nd
                                                                  Edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
               Geological  features  associated  with  man's  physical  3.  Bolstad, P. (2012) GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on
                                                                  Geographic Information Systems. 4 Edition. Atlas
               environment,  including  landforms  as  well  as  internal  and  Books.
               external  geological  processes.    Impacts  of  man's  activities
               and structures on the dynamic earth.  Environmental Impact
                                                               SIG2011 GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY ANALYTICAL
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment  : 40%                    This  is  a  practical  course  teaching  chemical  analysis
               Examination           : 60%
                                                               techniques  which  are  widely  used  to  solve  problems  in
               Medium of Instruction:                          geology  and  hydrogeology.  Students  will  use  up-to-date
                                                               scientific  instruments  and  techniques  such as  X-Ray
               English                                         Diffraction  (XRD),  X-Ray  Fluorescence  (XRF),  Inductively
                                                               Coupled  Plasma  (ICP)  and  Gas  Chromatography-Mass
               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL3, EM2, LS2                    Spectrometry  (GCMS)  to  conduct  analyses  on  a  range  of
                                                               samples  often  encountered  in  geochemistry,  hydrogeology
                                                               and organic geochemistry.
               1.  Montgomery, C.W. (2011). Environmental Geology (9th  Assessment Methods:
                   Ed.).  Wm. C. Brown Publishers,
               2.  Turner II, B.L., W.C. Clark, R.W. Kayes, J.F. Richards,  Continuous assessment  : 100%
                   J.T. Mathews and W.B. Meyer, (Eds) (1995). The Earth  Medium of Instruction:
                   As  Transformed  By  Human  Action.  Cambridge  Univ.  English
                   Press, N.Y.
               3.  Tank,  R.W.  (Ed)  (1975).  Focus  On  Environmental
                   Geology.  Oxford University Press, New York.  Soft Skills:
                                                               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL3, LS2, EM2, KK1
               SIG2009 GEOHYDROLOGY
               .                                               1.  Potts,  P.J.  (1987).    A  Handbook  of  Silicate  Rock
                                                                  Analysis, Blackie, 622 p.
               Assessment Methods:                             2.  Eglinton,  G.  and  Murphy,  M.T.J.  (1969).  Organic
               Continuous assessment  : 40%                       Geochemistry — Methods  and  Results.    Spinger-
               Examination           : 60%                        Verlag.
                                                               3.  Hach Water Analysis Handbook 1997
               Medium of Instruction:
                                                               SIG2012 GEOLOGICAL DATA ANALYSIS
               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL3, KK1, EM2, LS2               In  this  course,  student  will  learn  how  to  use  the  different
                                                               method  of  data  analysis,  and  how  to  use  ITC,  graphics
               References:                                     software and programing software to analyze geological and
               1.  Fetter, C.W. (1994):  Applied  Hydrogeology, Prentice  geoscience data.
                   Hall, New Jersey; 691pp.
               2.  Todd,  D.K.  and  Mays  L.W.,  (2005):  Groundwater  Assessment Methods:
                   Hydrology (3 Edition). John  Wiley & Sons, New York  Continuous assessment  : 40%
               3.  Patrik  A.  Domenico  &  Franklin  W.  Schwartz,  (1990):  Examination  : 60%
                   Physical  and  Chemical  Hydrogeology.  John  Wliey  &
                   Sons, Singapore 824pp                       Medium of Instruction:
               SIG2010 GIS APPLICATIONS IN GEOSCIENCES         Soft Skills:
                                                               CS3, CT3, TS2,  LL3, LS2, EM2
               Fundamentals of GIS theory and data formats. Importance
               of map projection, scale, resolution, accuracy and precision.  References:
               Techniques  in  preparing,  locating,  acquiring,  inputting  and  1.  Houlding  S.W.  (1994).  3D  Geoscience  Modelling
               translating  geological  data  into  a  GIS  system.  Web  Computer Techniques for Geological Characterization.
               resources  for  acquiring  GIS  data  and  tools.  Visualization,  Springer.
               query and analysis of geospatial data.          2.  Davis,  J.  C.  (1986).  Statistics  and  Data  Analysis  in
                                                                  Geology.  John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York.
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