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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               4.M.C.R. Cockett & G. Doggett, Math for Chemists, Vol. II:  Reactions  which  proceed  via  enols  and  enolate  ions:
                 Power Series, Complex Number and Linear Algebra,  racemization, -halogenation  of  aldehydes  and  ketones,
                 The Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, 2003.  base-catalysed halogenation (haloform reaction).
                                                             Enolate ion alkylation: use of lithium enolates in alkylation,
               SIC2001 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY II                 regioselective   enolate   formation:   kinetic   and
                                                              thermodynamic enolates; lithium enolates in alkylation of
               Coordination chemistry: Coordinate bond, types of ligands,  ketones,  esters,  acids;  alkylation  of  -dicarbonyl
               coordination  number,  nomenclature,  isomerism  and  compounds  for  example,-acetic  ester  and  malonic  ester
               chirality, Werner's theory, valence bond theory, magnetic  synthesis;  alkylation  of  nitriles,  nitroalkanes  and  1,3-
               properties,  crystal  field  theory,  ligand  field  theory,  Jahn-  dithianes; alkylation of enamines.
               Teller  effect,  tetrahedral  complex,  octahedral  complex,
               tetragonal  distortion,  electronic  spectra,  Orgel  diagram  Enolate  ion  addition/condensation  reactions:  aldols,
               and Tanabe-Sugano diagram.                     crossed  aldol,  intramolecular  aldol,  such  as  Mukaiyama
                                                              aldol,  Claisen,  crossed  Claisen,  intramolecular  Claisen
               Molecular  Symmetry:  Symmetry  elements,  symmetry  (Dieckmann), Knoevenagel, acylation of enamines, etc.
               operations, point groups, stereographic projections, group
               theory,  transformation matrices,  reducible  representation,  Conjugate  addition  of  enolates,  for  example,  Michael
               irreducible representation, character tables, application in  addition,  enamines  in  conjugate  addition;  Robinson
               IR and Raman spectroscopies and chiral molecules.  annulation, Mannich reaction, etc.
               Metal  chemistry:  Occurrence,  methods  of  extraction,  Preparation and use of silyl enol ethers, aza-enolates, and
               chemical  reactions  and  applications  of  metals,  chemistry  enamines, as enol equivalents.
               of block d and f metals
                                                              Assessment Methods:
               Assessment Methods:                            Practical:           25%
               Practical:            25%                      Continuous assessment:  15%
               Continuous assessment:  15%                    Final examination:   60%
               Final examination:    60%
                                                              Medium of instruction:
               Medium of instruction:                         English
                                                              Soft skills:
               Soft skills:                                   CT2, CT3
               References:                                    1.T. W.  G.  Solomons,  Organic  Chemistry,  8 ed., Wiley,
               1. D.  F.  Shriver,  P.  W.  Atkins,  and  C.  H.  Langford,  2004.     th
                 Inorganic  Chemistry,  2 nd  ed.,  Oxford  University  Press,  2.J. McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 5 ed. Brooks/Cole.
                 1996.                                        3.R.  M.  Silverstein,  F.  X.  Webster,  Spectrometric
               2. F. A.  Cotton  &  G.  Wilkinson,  Advanced  Inorganic  Identification of Organic Compounds, Wiley
                 Chemistry, 5 ed., John Wiley, 1988.          4.Kamaliah  Mahmood,  Noorsaadah  Abd.  Rahman,
               3.R.  L.  Carter,  Molecular  Symmetry  and  Group  Theory,  Kaedah  Kimia  dalam  Pengenalpastian  Sebatian
                 John Wiley, 1998.                             Organik, Penerbit Univ. Malaya.
               4.N. N.  Greenwood  &  A.  Earnshaw,  Chemistry  of  the  5.P.  Crews,  J.  Rodriguez,  M  Jaspars,  Organic  Structure
                 Element, Pergamon Press, 1984.                Analysis,  Oxford  University  Press,  New  York,  Oxford,
               5.G. L. Meisller & D. A. Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry, 3 ed.,  1998.
                 Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
                                                              SIC2003 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II
               SIC2002 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II
                                                              Quantum Chemistry
               Preparation  and  reactions  of  alkyl  halides:  nucleophilic
               aliphatic substitution: S N1, S N2; and elimination reactions:  The  origin  of  quantum  theory;  Postulates  and  general
               E1, E2.                                        principles of quantum mechanics: wavefunction, operator,
                                                              eigenfunction, eigenvalue, probability, average value and
               Preparation  and  reactions  of  alcohols  (hydroboration,  Schrodinger  equation;  Dynamic  and  motion  of  simple
               oxymercuration-demercuration, etc.), phenols, aryl halides  microscopic  systems:  translational  motion,  harmonic
               and  nucleophilic  aromatic  substitution,  ethers  and  oscillator and vibrational motion, angular momentum and
               epoxides, thiols and sulfides;                 rotational  motion;  Electronic  structures  of  hydrogen  like
                                                              atoms  and many-electron  atoms:  hydrogen  atom,  atomic
               Use  of  organometallic  reagents  (RLi,  RMgX,  R 2CuLi)  in  orbital,  Pauli  principle,  aufbau  principle,  Hund's  rules,
               synthesis amines and nitrogen-containing compounds.  electron  configuration,  Slater  determinant,  angular
                                                              momentum  coupling,  atomic  terms,  spin-orbit  and  other
               Carbonyl  chemistry:  preparation  and  reactions  of  interactions, symmetry, atomic spectra and selection rules.
               aldehyde  and  ketones,  nucleophilic  addition  at  carbonyl  Chemical Kinetics
                                                              Complex  reactions.  Collision  between  molecules,  gas
               Carboxylic  acids  and  nitriles,  carboxylic  acid  derivatives  transport  phenomenom.  Collsion  theory  of  uni,  bi  and
               and nucleophilic acyl substitution; difunctional compounds  trimolecular  gas  reactions.  Introduction  to  reaction  rate
               – keto acids, hydroxy acids/esters, and lactones.  theory.
                                                              Chemical Thermodynamics
               Acidity  of  the -hydrogen  in  carbonyl  compounds;  enol-
               keto tautomerism;                              Second   law   of   thermodynamics.   Thermodynamic
                                                              properties  of  multi  component  mixtures.  Equilibrium  of

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