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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               operators,  unitary  operators,  self-adjoint  operators  and  Medium of Instruction:
               positive  definite  operators.    Dual  spaces,  bilinear  forms.  English
               Diagonalization of symmetric bilinear forms, real quadratic
               forms.  Triangularization  theorem,  primary  decomposition  Humanity Skill:
               theorem, Jordan canonical forms.                CT3, LL2
               Assessment:                                     References:
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                1.  Durbin, J. R. (2009). Modern Algebra, An Introduction,
               Final Examination:           60%                    John Wiley (6 edition.).
                                                               2.  Fraleigh,  J.  B.  (2003). A  First  Course  in  Abstract
               Medium of Instruction:                              Algebra, Addison-Wesley (7 edition).
               English                                         3.  Gallian,  J.  (2012).    Contemporary  Abstract  Algebra,
                                                                   Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning (8 edition).
               Humanity Skill:                                 4.  Hungerford,  T.W.  (2014).  Abstract  Algebra:  An
               CS3, CT3, LL2                                       Introduction,    Brooks/Cole  Cengage  Learning  (3rd
               1.  Kenneth Hoffman, Ray Kunze (1971), Linear Algebra,
                   Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.                 SIM3007  RING THEORY
               2.  Jin Ho Kwak, Sungpyo Hong (2004), Linear Algebra,
                   Brikhauser,. (2 edition.).                  Ring,  subrings  and  ideals,  modules,  internal  direct  sum,
               3.  Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel & Lawrence E.  external direct product, nil and nilpotent ideals, prime and
                   Spence  (2003)  Linear  Algebra,  Pearson  Education  maximal ideals, Jacobson and prime radicals, semiprimitive
                   International (4 edition.).                 and  semiprime  rings,  rings  with  chain  condition,  primitive
               4.  Axler, S. (2015).   Linear Algebra Done Right, Springer  rings, group rings.
                   (3 edition).
               5.  Yang, Y. (2015).  A Concise Text on Advanced Linear  Assessment:
                   Algebra, Cambridge University Press.        Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               SIM3005  MATRIX THEORY                          Medium of Instruction:
               Rank  and  nullity  of  matrices.  Inner  product  spaces,  the
               Gram-Schmidt process, least squares problems, ortogonal  Humanity Skill:
               matrices.  Diagonalization  for  real  symmetric  matrices,  CT3, LL2
               quadratic  forms,  semi  positive  definite  matrices.  The
               singular  value  decomposition.  Generalized  inverses  and  References:
               linear systems, Moore-Penrose inverses.         1.  Cohn,  P.M.  (2001).    Introduction  to  Ring  Theory,
                                                                   Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series,
               Assessment:                                     2.  Herstein, I. N. (2005), Noncommutative Rings, Carus
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                    Mathematical  Monographs  No.  15,  Math.  Assoc.  of
               Final Examination:           60%                    America.
                                                               3.  Beachy, J. A. (1999), Introductory Lectures on Rings
               Medium of Instruction:                              and Modules, London Maths. Soc. Student Texts 47,
               English                                             Cambridge University Press.
                                                               4.  Lam, T.Y. (2010).  Exercises in Classical Ring Theory
               Humanity Skill:                                     (Problem  Books  in  Mathematics),  Springer,  Second
               CS3, CT3, LL2                                       Edition.
               1.  Anton, H. & Busby, R. C. (2002). Contemporary Linear  SIM3008 GROUP THEORY
                   Algebra, Wiley Publishers.
               2.  Horn, R. A. & Johnson, C. R. (1985). Matrix Analysis,  The  three  isomorphism  theorems.  Cyclic  groups.  Direct
                   Cambridge University Press.                 product  of  groups.  Introduction  to  the  three  Sylow’s
               3.  Zhang, F. (2011).  Matrix Theory – Basic Results and  Theorem.  Classification  of  groups  up  to  order 8.  Finitely
                   Techniques, Springer (2 edition).           generated  abelian  groups.  Nilpotent  groups  and  Soluble
               4.  Zhan,   X.   (2013).   Matrix   Theory,   American  groups
                   Mathematical Society.
               5.  Bapat,  R.  B.  (2012),  Linear  Algebra and  Linear  Assessment:
                   Models, Springer (3 edition).               Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               SIM3006   ALGEBRA II                            Medium of Instruction:
               Groups-Isomorphism theorems. Permutation groups. Group
               actions, p-groups.                              Humanity Skill:
                                                               CT3, LL2
               Rings-Maximal  and  prime  ideals.  Polynomial  rings.  Field
               extensions. Finite fields.                      References:
                                                               1.  Ledermann,  W.,  Weir,  A.  J.  &  Jeffery,  A.  (1997).
               Assessment:                                         Introduction  to  Group  Theory,  Addison  Wesley  Pub.
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                    Co. (2 edition).
               Final Examination:           60%                2.  Rotman, J. J. (2014). An Introduction to the Theory of
                                                                   Groups, Springer-Verlag, New York (4 edition).

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