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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               Green’s  theorem.  Stokes’  theorem.  Volume  integrals.  Assessment
               Divergence theorem of Gauss.                    Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Curvilinear  coordinates – polar,  cylindrical,  spherical  Final Examination:  60%
                                                               Medium of Instruction:
               Assessment                                      Bahasa Malaysia/English
               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%                Humanity Skill:
                                                               CT3, LL2, CS3
               Medium of Instruction:
               Bahasa Malaysia/English                         References
                                                               1.    Philip  E.  Grill,  Walter  Murray,  Margaret  H.  Wright,
               Humanity Skill:                                     Practice Optimization Paperback,1982,
               CT3, LL2, CS3                                   2.  C.  Mohan  &  Kusum  Deep  ,Optimization  Techniques
                                                                   Hardcover, 2011
               References:                                     3.  L.   R.   Foulds,   Optimization   Techniques:   An
               1.  Vector calculus, 4 ed., Susan Jane Colley, Pearson  Introduction, 1981,
                   Education, Inc., 2012.                      4.  Singiresu  S.  Rao,  Engineering  Optimization:  Theory
               2.  Thomas’  Calculus  Early  Transcendentals  12 th  ed.,  and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2009)
                   George  B.  Thomas,Jr.,Maurice  D.  Weir,  and  Joel
                   Hass, Pearson Education, Inc., 2010. (Chap. 12—16)
               3.  Schaum’s  Outline  of  Theory  and  Problems  of Vector  SIN2009  COMPUTER GRAPHICS
                   Analysis  and  anIntroduction  to  Tensor  Analysis,
                   Murray R. Spiegel, McGraw-Hill, Inc.,  1974.  Introduction  to  C++  Compiler  and  OpenGL.  Plane
               4.  Vector  Fields Vector  analysis  developed  through  its  geometric   coordinate.   Coordinate   transformations.
                   applications  to    engineering  and  physics, J.  A.  Polynomial  interpolation.  Continuity.  Curve  and  surface
                   Shercliff, 1977.                            design.
               5.  Vector  Analysis  versus  Vector  Calculus,  Antonio
                   Galbis   and   Manuel  Maestre,   Springer  Assessment
                   Science+Business Media, LLC, 2012.          Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%

               SIN2007 MANAGEMENT MATHEMATICS                  Medium of Instruction:
                                                               Bahasa Malaysia/English
               Output  function:  Theory  and  some  concepts.  Break  even
               model.  Optimization  profit  for  monopoly  and  oligopoly  Humanity Skill:
               market.  Inventory  model.  EOQ  Model,  reordering  point,  CS3, TS3, LL2, LS2
               finite  input  rate,  shortage  and  quantity  discount.
               Probabilistic Model, safety stock and efficiency level.  References
                                                               1.  Mathematical  Elements  for  Computer  Graphics,  2 nd
               Assessment                                          Ed.,  D.F.  Rogers  &  J.A.  Adams,  McGraw  Hill
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                    International Editions, 1990.
               Final Examination:           60%                2.  Computer Graphics, Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker,
                                                                   Prentice Hall, 1994.
               Medium of Instruction:                          3.  Computer Graphics Using Open GL, 2 Ed., F. S. Hill,
               Bahasa Malaysia                                     Jr, Prentice Hall, 2001.
                                                               4.  Computer Graphics, Schaum’s Outlines Series.
               Humanity Skill:                                 5.  OpenGL  SUPER  BIBLE  (2 nd  Ed),  Richard  S. Wright,
               CS3, CT3, LL2                                       Jr., Michael Sweet, Waite Group Press, 2000D.G. Zill
                                                                   &  M.R.  Cullen, Differential  Equations  with  Boundary-
               References:                                         Value Problems, 7th Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005
               1.  Baldani,  J.  (1996),  Mathematical  Economics,  The
                   Dryden Press.
               2.  Davies,  K.R.,  McKeown,  P.G.  &  Rakas,  T.R.  (1986),  SIN3001  INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM
                   Management  Science  :  An  Introduction,  Kent      MECHANICS WITH COMPUTERS
                   Publishing  Company.
               3.  Winston,   W.L.   (1994),   Operations   Research:  Introduction  to  Quantum  mechanics.  The  wave-function
                   applications and algorithms, 3rd ed., Duxbury Press.  and  its  interpretation.  One-dimensional  time-independent
               4.  Hillier, Frederick S. (1995), Introductory to Operations  Schrodinger equation. Solution for the cases of the infinite-
                   Research, 6th edition, New York, McGraw-Hill.  and  finite-square  well,  harmonic  oscillator  potential  and
               5.  Taha,  Hamdy  A(2011).,  Operations  Research:  An  free-particle case. Formalism of quantum mechanics. Two-
                   Introduction, 8 ,New York, Mcmillan.        and  three-dimensional  systems.  The  hydrogen  atom.  The
               6.  C.D.J.   Waters(2003),   Inventory   Control   and  concept of spin.
                   Management, University of Calgary, Canada.
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       50%
               SIN2008 OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUE                  Final Examination:           50%
               Unconstraint   optimization,   necessary   and   enough  Medium of Instruction:
               conditions  for  optimality.  Constraint  optimization.  Type  of  English
               constraint.  Special  technique  for  solving  non-linear
               problem.                                        Humanity Skill:
                                                               CS3, CT3, LL2

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