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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018
References 3. Grant R.Fowles & George L.Cassiday, Analytical
1. Hill, F.S. Computer Graphics Using OpenGL, Prentice Mechanics" 7th Edition, by, Brook/Cole Publishing
Hall, 2014. 2004.
2. Farin, G., Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided 4. Tom W.B. Kibble, & Frank H.Berkshire, Classical
GeometricDesign, Academic Press, Boston, 1997. Mechanics, 5th edition 2004, Imperial College Press.
3. Hoschek, J. & Lasser, D., Fundamentals of Computer
Aided Geometric Design, Ak Peters Ltd., 1993.
4. Farin, G., Hoschek, J. and Kim., S.M. . Handbook of SIN3013 FOURIER AND WAVELETS ANALYSIS
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Elsevier, North
Holland, 2012. Functions and Function Spaces, Fourier Transform,
5. Patrikalakis, N. M. & Maekawa, T. Shape Sampling, Orthogonal Wavelet Systems, Multi-resolution
Interrogation for Computer Aided Design and Analysis (MRA), Discrete Wavelet Transform, Continuous
Manufacturing, Springer, 2011. Wavelet Transform, Wavelet Toolbox, Applications to data
compression, de-noising and others.
Continuous Assessment: 50%
1. Functions, arrays, strings, pointers, data structures, Final Examination: 50%
file processing.
2. Computation of special functions such as Legendre Medium of Instruction:
polynomials, Bessel and Neumann functions. English
Gaussian quadrature. Numerical solutions of systems
of linear equations. Introduction to numerical solutions Humanity Skill:
of partial differential equations. CT3, LL2
Assessment References
Continuous Assessment: 50% 1. Wavelets and Filter Banks by Gilbert Strang and
Final Examination: 50% Truong Nguyen, Wellesley College; 2nd edition 1996.
2. A First Course in Wavelets with Fourier Analysis by
Medium of Instruction: Albert Boggess and Francis J. Narcowich, Wiley 2nd
English Edition 2011
3. A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing by Stéphane
Humanity Skill: Mallat, Academic Press; 2nd edition 1999.
CS3, CT3, LL2, TS2, LS2 4. A Primer on Wavelets and Their Scientific
Applications, by James S. Walker, Chapman &
References Hall/CRC; 2 edition 2008.
1. C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to 5. Wavelet Toolbox User’s Guide 2006, The MathWorks,
Programme Design. D. S. Malik, 6 edition, Cengage Inc.
Learning, 2015.
2. Numerical methods in Scientific Computing.
Germund Dahlquist & Ake Bjorck, Cambridge SIN3014 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
University Press, 2008.
3. Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Candidates are required to spend minimum 10 weeks
Computing. William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, working with selected companies in selected areas of
William T. Vetterling & Brian P. Flannery, 3 edition, industry.
Continuous Assessment: 100% S/U
Medium of Instruction:
Newton's laws of motion, central forces, motion in a plane Bahasa Malaysia/English
(cartesian, polar coordinates), conservative forces,
conservation of energy and momentum, small oscillations, Humanity Skill:
stable and unstable equilibriums. CS4, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS3
Lagrangian mechanics: constraints, generalized References
coordinates, principle of least action, Euler-Langrange University of Malaya Guidebook for Industrial Training
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60% Subject to supervising lecturer
Medium of Instruction: Assessment
English Continuous Assessment: 100%
Humanity Skill: Medium of Instruction:
CS3, CT3, LL2 Bahasa Malaysia/English
References Humanity Skill:
1. Stephen T. Thornton and Jerry B. Marion, Classical CS4, CT4, TS2, LL2
Dynamics of Particles and Systems,,Brooks/Cole, 5th
Edition 2004. References
2. Tai L. Chow, Classical Mechanics, CRC Press, 2nd Refer to the lecturer.
Edition 2013.