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the  natural  world,  ensuring  a  future  where                                                 appetizing authentic Vietnamese dishes to

              biodiversity                  thrives             alongside                human                 highlight  the  host  country’s  amazing  food

              societies.  To  achieve  these  objectives,                                                      culture.  Among  which  were  traditional

              ASEP  2015  was  conducted  as  a  series  of                                                    favorites  such  as  pho,  gou  cuon,  bun  cha,

              site  studies  of  many  of  Vietnam’s  most                                                     banh  xeo,  and  ca  kho  to,  showcasing  the

              important                  national               parks,            biosphere                    rich  flavors  and  culinary  heritage  of

              reserves,  and  surrounding  areas  to  impart                                                   Vietnam. As evening turned into night, the

              new knowledge and synthesize novel ideas                                                         first  day  of  ASEP  2015  ended  as  all

              to  balance  biodiversity  values  to  socio-                                                    participants  were  dismissed  for  their

              economic development. The specific study                                                         accommodations  in  preparation  for  the

              sites of ASEP 2015 are:                                                                          next day’s packed itinerary.

                                                                                                                    On August 4th, the second day of ASEP

              (1)  Cuc  Phuong  National  Park,  the  first                                                    2015,  participants  had  embarked  on  an

              protected area in Vietnam, with a terrestrial                                                    enriching excursion to Cuc Phuong National

              system  of  evergreen  broadleaved  tropical                                                     Park, renowned as Vietnam's first protected

              forest.                                                                                          area  and  a  premier  site  for  biodiversity

              (2)  Ha  Long  Bay  –  World  Natural  Heritage                                                  conservation. Established in 1962, the park

              with  spectacular  marine  ecosystem  and                                                        had  spanned  22,408  hectares  and  was

              natural landscape and seascape.                                                                  located  just  120  kilometers  southwest  of

              (3)  Cat  Ba  Biosphere  Reserve  –  Learning                                                    Hanoi,  boasting  a  captivating  blend  of

              laboratory for Sustainable development                                                           cultural  heritage  and  diverse  wildlife.  The

              (4) Cat Ba National Park (as the core zone                                                       theme              of         biodiversity                  and            human

              of Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve), an evergreen                                                       interaction  had  taken  center  stage  as

              broadleaved tropical forest.                                                                     participants  delved  into  the  intricate

              (5) Farming system studied in the context                                                        relationship  between  conservation  efforts

              of  a  Project  on  clean  rice  production  in                                                  and  socio-economic  development.  As

              Hanoi, supported by JICA.                                                                        participants  traversed  the  park's  pristine

                                                                                                               landscapes,  ,  they  had  gained  a  deeper

                          The  first  day  of  ASEP  2015  began  on                                           appreciation  for  the  intricate  web  of  life

              August  3rd  as  all  the  participants  and                                                     that  sustained  both  human  communities

              accompanying professors and staff arrived                                                        and ecosystems. The park's ancient forests,

              at  Vietnam  National  University  in  the                                                       teeming with over 2,234 plant species and

              Vietnamese capital city of Hanoi. There, the                                                     135 mammal species, including endangered

              participants were warmly welcomed to the                                                         primates  like  the  Delacour's  Langur  and

              opening                 ceremony                    to          mark              the            Grey-shanked Douc Langur, had served as

              commencement  of  ASEP  2015.  The  ASEP                                                         a poignant reminder of the critical need for

              2015  opening  ceremony  at  Vietnam                                                             biodiversity  conservation.  Visits  to  the

              National  University  started  at  3.30  pm                                                      Endangered  Primate  Rescue  Centre  and

              local.  After  the  opening  ceremony,  the                                                      Turtle  Conservation  Centre  had  further

              participants  were  allowed  to  take  a  short                                                  underscored the importance of preserving

              break with their peers, which allowed them                                                       habitat and combating illegal wildlife trade

              to socialize with each other while awaiting                                                      to safeguard vulnerable species. Moreover,

              the  continuation  of  the  day’s  itinerary.  At                                                participants  had  explored  the  park's

              5.00  pm,  ASEP  2015  departed  for  a  long-                                                   Carnivore                and           Pangolin              Conservation

              awaited  dinner  reception.  For  the  dinner                                                    Program, which aimed to promote positive

              reception,  Vietnam  National  University                                                        attitudes  toward  threatened  species  and

              prepared a plethora of unique and equally                                                        develop practical techniques for their

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