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Despite  the  ravages  of  time  and  history,                                                   the  past  trips  all  around  China.    The

              the  Temple  of  Heaven  remains  a  timeless                                                    students  shared  what  they  have  learned

              symbol of China's cosmological beliefs and                                                       from  the  rich  history  of  Tsinghua  Garden,

              cultural resilience, earning its rightful place                                                  the  lush  landscapes  of  Chengdu's  Living

              as  a  UNESCO  World  Heritage  site  and  a                                                     Water  Garden,  the  historic  halls  of  the

              beacon                of         spiritual              reverence                  for           Temple of Heaven, and all of the important

              generations  to  come.  As  morning  turned                                                      landmarks in China’s effort in improving the

              into the afternoon, the ASEP 2014 itinerary                                                      relationship  and  interplay  between  water

              continued  to  the  Qianmen  cultural  area,                                                     and  humanity.  The  presentations  often

              colloquially  known  as  Qianmen  Street.                                                        touched  on  as  well  on  the  water-human

              Qianmen                  Street             originated                 as         the            situations of each of the participants’ home

              Zhengyangmen Street during the rule of the                                                       countries                  and             how             environmental

              Ming  and  Qing  dynasties.  In  the  modern                                                     stewardship  and  sustainable  development

              day,  Qianmen  Street  has  reinvented  itself                                                   are  critical  internationally.  From  the

              as  the  prime  mecca  for  shopping  and                                                        overwhelmingly  positive  response  from

              sightseeing  for  both  the  local  population                                                   their peers and the board of jury, the ASEP

              and  travelers  from  all  around  the  world.                                                   2014 final presentations by the participants

              Qianmen  Street  has  long  been  a  nexus  of                                                   could  be  said  to  be  a  great  success  in

              trade,  tradition,  and  culinary  delights.  As                                                 achieving  its  goals  of  facilitating  cross-

              participants  strolled  along  its  storied                                                      boundary  dialogue  and  understanding  of

              cobblestones, they encountered a treasure                                                        the         critical            issue            of        global            water

              trove            of        time-honored                      brands              and             sustainability.                     Thus,              following                  the

              international boutiques, from the legendary                                                      presentations,                     the          participants                   were

              Quanjude  Roast  Duck  to  global  icons  like                                                   honored for their efforts and achievements.

              H&M  and  ZARA.  Amidst  the  hustle  and                                                        As the morning drew to a close, ASEP 2014

              bustle  of  modernity,  echoes  of  Beijing's                                                    concluded  with  a  closing  ceremony,  after

              past  reverberated  through  the  streets,                                                       which  the  participants  and  accompanying

              from  the  savory  aromas  of  traditional                                                       staff  convened  for  a  final  lunch  reception

              delicacies  to  the  nostalgic  charm  of                                                        held at Tsinghua University. They shared in

              sightseeing trams reminiscent of a bygone                                                        the  last  few  moments  for  socializing  and

              era.  As  the  sun  dipped  below  the  horizon,                                                 bidding their farewells. At noon, ASEP 2014

              participants bid farewell to Qianmen Street,                                                     officially ended with a great success as all

              their hearts filled with the timeless allure of                                                  the  participants  departed  safely  on  the

              China's cultural heritage and the promise of                                                     journey back to their home countries, with

              new  adventures  yet  to  come.  In  the                                                         memories shared and lessons learned that

              evening,  the  participants  gathered  for  a                                                    would hopefully aid them in becoming the

              group  discussion  on  everything  that  they                                                    forerunners of a sustainable and equitable

              had seen, experienced, and learned during                                                        future in and beyond their communities.

              the  past  week  of  exploring  China  and  its                                                            Asian  Students  Environment  Platform

              water              environment                     for          their            final           (ASEP)  2014  has  left  an  indelible  mark  on

              presentation on the next day.                                                                    the  hearts  and  minds  of  its  participants,

                        ASEP  2014  returned  to  Tsinghua                                                     illuminating                 the          intricate              relationship

              University on August 11th yet again for the                                                      between humanity and water and fostering

              grand  finale  of  the  8-day  event.  The  day                                                  a  deeper  understanding  of  the  need  for

              began with a series of presentations by all                                                      harmony                  and           stewardship                     in         our

              the          participants                   on          the          newfound                    interactions with the natural world. Through

              knowledge and new ideas gleaned from all                                                         immersive experiences and thought-

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