Page 11 - ASEP_EBOOK_V10
P. 11

The  next  stop  of  the  journey  is  visiting                                                  Spread  over  680  hectares,  this  expansive

              preserved  wetland  parks  in  and  around                                                       urban  park  served  as  a  captivating  venue

              Tianjing. One such location was the Tianjing                                                     for  the  day's  itinerary,  offering  a  blend  of

              Eco-City,                a       sustainable                  development                        natural  beauty  and  sustainable  design

              project               known                for          its         ecological                   principles. The Park is divided by the busy

              conservation  efforts  in  maintaining  a                                                        North  Fifth  Ring  Road  into  the  Northern

              healthy and thriving natural environment by                                                      Garden  and  Southern  Garden.  The  two

              limiting  pollution  and  achieving  resource                                                    garden  sections  are  connected  by  an

              use  sustainability  through  facilitating  non-                                                 ecological                bridge             over           the         bustling

              fossil  fuel  modes  of  transportation  and                                                     expressway,  allowing  for  the  movement  of

              desalinated water and recycled water. The                                                        people  and  wildlife  safely  through  the

              Tianjing  Eco-City  was  also  home  to  lush                                                    Beijing core. As the participants arrived at

              marshlands,  which  allowed  for  a  diverse                                                     the  park,  they  were  greeted  by  the

              ecosystem of exotic bird species and other                                                       picturesque                    sight            of          Aohai             Lake,

              wildlife  in  their  natural  habitat  right  in  the                                            shimmering  under  the  morning  sun  at  the

              middle  of  a  bustling  city.  As  the  morning                                                 center of the southern portion of the park.

              turned  into  the  afternoon,  ASEP  2014                                                        Surrounding  the  lake  are  winding  walking

              visitors  continued  their  second  day’s                                                        paths and a jogging trail, inviting visitors to

              agenda  by  visiting  the  organizer  of  ASEP                                                   immerse  themselves  in  the  tranquility  of

              2014  AEON  Environmental  Foundation’s                                                          nature while engaging in outdoor activities.

              Aeon  Mall  located  within  the  spectacular                                                    Small           islands             dotting             the         lake          are

              Beijing  International  Mall.  There,  the                                                       connected by charming bridges, adding to

              students  were  introduced  to  many  of  the                                                    the           park's               allure             and            providing

              staff  and  important  persons  who  made                                                        opportunities for leisurely exploration. One

              their journey a possibility in the first place.                                                  of the park's standout features is the iconic

              The participants participated in informative                                                     Yangshan  Mountain,  an  artificial  landscape

              workshops                    and            interactive                  exhibits                gracing  the  northern  bank  of  Aohai  Lake.

              showcasing  innovative  approaches  to                                                           Participants  ascended  to  the  mountain's

              sustainable                  living           and           environmental                        summit,  where  the  Tian  Jing  viewing

              stewardship. From this valuable experience,                                                      platform awaited, offering panoramic vistas

              the  ASEP  2014  students  learned  more                                                         of the surrounding parkland and cityscape.

              about  initiatives  to  combat  pollution,                                                       Here,  they  marveled  at  the  park's  unique

              protect  biodiversity,  and  promote  eco-                                                       blend  of  natural  and  man-made  elements,

              friendly practices, thus in turn inspiring and                                                   gaining  a  deeper  appreciation  for  the

              instilling  new  knowledge  for  them  to                                                        meticulous  planning  and  design  that  went

              become  environmental  advocates  in  their                                                      into  its  creation.  The  Southern  Garden  of

              communities. After the visitation to AEON,                                                       the park, spanning approximately 1.5 square

              the participants were chaperoned back to                                                         miles, is home to not only Aohai Lake and

              Beijing via coach to their hotels in Tsinghua                                                    Yangshan  Mountain  but  also  a  man-made

              for the evening.                                                                                 wetland               that          showcases                   the          park's

                        On  the  morning  of  August  6th,  the                                                commitment                               to                environmental

              participants  of  ASEP  2014  embarked  on  a                                                    conservation.  A  transparent  underwater

              visit  to  Beijing's  Olympic  Forest  Park,  a                                                  corridor  provides  a  glimpse  into  the

              versant  nature  park  located  at  the  north                                                   wetland's thriving ecosystem, while nearby

              end  of  the  Olympic  Green  built  for  the                                                    sports stadiums serve as reminders of the

              2008  Summer  Olympics  hosted  in  the                                                          park's role as a venue for Olympic events.

              country.                                                                                         In the Northern Garden, participants were

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