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immersed in a verdant landscape teeming rest up for the day.
with plant life and wildlife. A serene lake The morning of the fourth day (August
takes center stage, surrounded by vast 7th) of ASEP 2014 began in the backdrop of
flower fields and lush greenery. Here, the beauty of Inner Mongolia as the
visitors had the opportunity to connect participants of the excursion ventured into
with nature, experiencing first-hand the this autonomous region of the People's
restorative power of green spaces in urban Republic of China. With its border spanning
environments. What sets the Olympic two-thirds of China's boundary with
Forest Park apart is its dedication to Mongolia, Inner Mongolia boasts a rich
sustainability and ecological stewardship. tapestry of landscapes, cultures, and
The park's design incorporates innovative natural wonders waiting to be explored.
water management systems, utilizing Compared to the bustling heart of China in
reclaimed water from the Qinghe Waste Beijing, Inner Mongolia brought a different
Water Treatment Plant to irrigate its yet equally awe-inspiring look into the
landscapes and recharge its bodies of hugely varied environmental spaces of
water. This self-sustaining approach not China. The participants’ journey began with
only conserves precious freshwater a visit to the pristine grasslands that define
resources but also reduces the park's the region's eastern division. Stretching
ecological footprint, making it a model of across endless horizons, these rolling plains
environmental responsibility for urban are not only a testament to the nomadic
parks worldwide. The park's landscape heritage of the Mongolian people but also a
performance also yields a multitude of vital ecosystem supporting diverse flora
environmental, social, and economic and fauna. Participants had the opportunity
benefits. The trees in the park sequester to immerse themselves in the traditional
carbon dioxide, mitigating climate change, Mongolian way of life by learning about the
while solar panels generate clean energy, deep cultural significance of the
reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Visitors, in grasslands. As the day progressed, the
turn, enjoy improved quality of life and itinerary led them deeper into the heart of
recreational opportunities, contributing to Inner Mongolia's diverse terrain, culminating
the park's role as a vibrant community hub. in an afternoon exploration of the desert
As the participants concluded their visit to landscape that characterizes its western
the Olympic Forest Park, they left with a division. Amidst towering dunes and
newfound appreciation for the intricate shifting sands, participants marveled at the
interplay between nature and human stark beauty of the desert, learning about
ingenuity, inspired to apply the principles the unique adaptations of desert flora and
of sustainability and conservation in their fauna to survive in this harsh environment.
own lives and communities. As the daylight
continued to wane, the participants of
ASEP 2014 got themselves ready for the
next leg of the journey, which was the next
day’s visit to Inner Mongolia. Travel began
in earnest in the afternoon of August 6th as
participants braced for a lengthy journey
by air transport to the location. After 3
hours of travel, the participants arrived at
their hotels in Inner Mongolia in the late
evening hours and were each allowed to